Garden trends in summer 2023: We can look forward to these innovations for the garden!

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the flowers enchant us with a wonderful scent - when the weather is great we are drawn outside more and more often and for many people the outdoor area becomes an extended outdoor living room. While there is more silence in winter, there is a lot to do in the garden in the spring months. New trends appear every day in the fashion industry, but why should fashionistas have all the fun? Passionate gardeners can also look forward to a lot of new products and with this in mind, we have put together the most important garden trends for summer 2023 for you. So let's get started - read on and find out how you can create your little outdoor oasis of well-being.

Whether you build your own bee trough orFertilize blueberries– Gardening is fun and our own garden becomes our favorite place for the spring and summer months. To make the most of your outdoor space, below are the top summer 2023 gardening trends that await us.

Grow your own fruits and vegetables

Snack on fresh strawberries from the garden or harvest crunchy cucumbers for salad? Growing our own food has been a top priority for hobby gardeners for years and continues to be one of the biggest gardening trends in summer 2023. In the spirit of sustainability and due to rising food prices, more and more people are choosing to grow their own fruit and vegetables in the garden or grow on the balcony. And anyone who has ever eaten home-grown tomatoes knows that they have nothing to do with the plastic stuff from the supermarket.

Raised beds are particularly suitable for growing fruit and vegetables and also keep away any pests such as snails and ants. The easy-care vegetables for the garden include tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes, lettuce, pumpkin, wild garlic and much more. Strawberries, raspberries, figs and apples are easy to grow both in the garden and on the balcony.

Darker flowers in the garden

Is there anything nicer than relaxing in your own garden surrounded by beautiful flowers? Even observing a colorful flower garden triggers feelings of happiness for many of us. Early bloomers such as daffodils and tulips make our garden shine in the first few months of the year. The selection of garden flowers is huge and each flower is beautiful and special in its own way. But this year we want to give our outdoor area a unique touch and will plant dark colored flowers. How about purple flowers as an eye-catcher, for example? Great choices include lilac, clematis, columbine, allium and anemone. Black flowers also provide a great contrast to the colorful neighbors and enchant with their mystical beauty. Flowers with black flowers include black rose (Black Madonna), tulips (Black Hero and Queen of night), Persian imperial crown and black clematis (Black Prince).

Blackbox gardening as a garden trend in summer 2023

Have you ever heard of black box gardening? The black box represents a closed system that is only viewed from the outside - you never know what is happening inside. In terms of summer 2023 gardening trends, this means we grow plants that we think are suitable for our garden and then wait and see what happens.

Blackbox Gardening primarily selects plants that self-propagate and then spread throughout the garden. So it's not us, but the light, moisture and soil conditions that decide which plants grow where. However, with black box gardening, some planning is still necessary and we have to determine the general layout and bed sizes in advance.

The cottage garden

The more lush and wild, the better – this is how the garden trends for summer 2023 can be described in just a few words. While everything in the garden used to have a fixed place, this year we're letting nature run its course. So forget the perfectly defined boundaries and the orderly beds - the cottage garden full of flower meadows is celebrating a big comeback and immediately gives us the impression that we are somewhere in the great outdoors. In a cottage garden, function and aesthetics form a unity and such a garden always radiates coziness and comfort. To make the outdoor area more animal-friendly, you could, for example, create small insect hotels orBuild your own bee trough. An absolute must for every cottage garden is a small country house or garden shed where we can enjoy the warm summer evenings with friends and family.

The outdoor living room

The days of uncomfortable tables and folding chairs in the garden are over. Our outdoor area becomes our little oasis of well-being and the extended outdoor living room is celebrated as one of the most beautiful (and at the same time most comfortable) garden trends in summer 2023. For example, comfortable lounge furniture with decorative accessories such as cushions and deckers are ideal. Of course, a matching dining table should not be missing and several fairy lights create a romantic atmosphere in the evening. The most important thing you should pay attention to when designing is that the materials are weather-resistant and suitable for the garden.