How often should you water zucchini? Tips on how to water the plants properly without causing any damage

Zucchini is a delicate summer urbis that grows quickly and produces tasty, cropping fruits 35 to 55 days after planting. The cultivation of zucchini is simple and requires little care when the plants are given full sunlight, high temperatures and a well -permeable soil. However, this vegetables have an extremely high moisture content - it consists of almost 95 percent of water. The correct watering for the thirsty plant is therefore decisive. Find out here whether you pour your zucchini properly and what to look for.

How much water does the vegetables need?

For healthy growth and good harvest, zucchini need approx. 5 liters of water per plant and irrigation. In the event of heat waves and drought, the need can increase up to 10 liters. It is important that you wet well, but definitely avoid waterlogging.

The zucchini plant requires a constant soil moisture. Therefore, you should always check the floor with your finger before pouring the plant. If both the upper and the lower part of the soil is moist, you can only water a little. If the floor has dried out, at least 3 liters of water are required.

Pouring zucchini wrong - what can the consequences be?

Yellow leaves and fruits that die

Pouring errors can be atZucchini a failed harvestas a result. For example, if the plants get too much or too little water, this can lead to various problems. Both overgraduation and underwatering can cause theFruit yellow and die. Sometimes becomeOnly the leaves yellow, especially if there is not enough water in the ground.

The whole plant goes into

The irrigation of the plants with cold water is another frequent care error. It can lead to a cold shock that brakes growth. So that the plant does not enter, you should always water with water that has the temperature of the area. Water from a regent barrel is best suited. Alternatively, you can fill tap water into a suitable container and leave outside until the temperature adapts.

Fungus sank

When pouring zucchini, you should make sure not to wet the flowers and leaves of the plant. Work as close as possible to the earth to avoid the formation of fungal diseases.

Fruits taste bitter

If the fruits taste bitter after the harvest, this is usually a sign of a lack of water.

Danger!You shouldn't eat bitter zucchini because you are poisonous!

Similarlike cucumberShould you water zucchini a lot and regularly. Since both types of vegetables consist largely of water, they are very thirsty. As a rule, in cool weather you should water once a week and two to three times a week in hot, dry weather. The ideal time of day is the early morning, since the ground cooled at this time and the water does not evaporate so quickly. Alternatively, you can also water in the early evening if there is no direct sunlight on the bed.

Avoid pouring the plants from above. Instead, water slowly with a garden hose or a droplet hose so that the water penetrates deep into the ground. If you use a lawn sprinkler, pour early a day so that the zucchini leaves have time to dry before the evening. Moist leaves favor viruses and fungal diseases such as mildew and bacterial withered.

Pour zucchini deep and give 2 to 5 cm water when the top of the floor feels dry.

More tips for healthy zucchini plants

Mulch for optimal soil moisture

Apply a layer of organic mulch around the plants at least five to eight centimeters thick when the daily temperatures are constant above 23 ° C. Chopped bark or aMulch layer made of lawn cutare quite suitable for this. Distribute the mulch evenly, but keep it removed from the plants' stems at least 2 centimeters. The mulch keeps the roots of the plants moist and cool and helps to suppress the growth of weeds.

Keep the weeds under control

Against small grasses in the vegetable patch, you can simply scrape the floor surface with a hoe. Very close to the plants, where the hoe can damage the roots of the zucchini, they weed the weed by hand. Otherwise it can compete with the vegetable plants for soil moisture and nutrients.

Only pour around the roots in the heat

In strong heat, the pumpkin plants should not be poured directly at the root, as this can lead to the dying of the plant. Instead, pour around the roots.

How do the zucchini pour for a better harvest?

Should zucchini be fertilized in the phase of flower and fruit formation? Since zucchini are among the strong consumers, you should be supplied with nutrients at all times to thrive well. A subsequent fertilization about two months after planting can increase the yields and supply the zucchini plant with nutrients until the end of the vegetation period. Both organic fertilizers, such as horn flour, and mineral fertilizer, e.g. B. tomato fertilizer. In the growth phase you can also oneHomemade nettle boobiesPut the water in a ratio of 1:10 weekly.