Everything about creating a garden pond: This is how it works step by step

If you like the water effects in the backyard, you can also make a small one yourselfCreate a garden pond. You can undertake a project like this at any time of the year. But do you still have your doubts? Maybe that sounds very complicated to you? In the next lines we want to explain to you how you can do it.

Creating a garden pond: which size is best for you?

The size of the pond should correspond to the size of your garden area. First choose a suitable location in the garden and mark the area. Dig a pit no deeper than 50 cm, sloping gradually around the edge of the pit. The soil must be covered with a layer of clay, 5-7 cm thick. This is done in areas where natural clay can be found. The clay soil prevents water from draining away. You can then fill the pit with a mixture of wet peat and humus. If you cover the ground with moss, you will get the maximum effect, similar to the natural swampy lake. Only then can you arrange rocks on the shore and match themVegetationplant.

The shape of the small garden lake

You can also create your pond in the garden using a different construction method. If you insist on vegetation, then the depth of the pit should be no more than 30-40 cm. A depth of up to 80 cm is permitted for garden ponds in which there isFishgives. The edges of the pit must slope at an angle. The best tilt is 20 degrees. The shape of your garden lake can be classic – square or rectangular, but it can also be round, elliptical or kidney-shaped. If the lake does not have a regular geometric shape, it fits better into the garden landscape and the imitation of a natural pond is perfect. So prepare the area, remove rocks, roots, etc. and level the place. Then lay a layer of fine sand at least 5 cm thick. Only then put a foil and fix the ends. Use polyethylene or tarpaulin for waterproofing. Each piece should be overlapped with the other by at least 10 cm and sealed with a suitable adhesive.

Create a natural-looking garden pond

The coastal landscape can be beautifully decorated with stones. Arrange them long ago on the lake shore. The stones can be of different sizes and shapes. Get them from your region or buy them from specialist shops. Combine different sizes of stones for a natural look.

Aquatic vegetation for the garden lake

For planting theaquatic vegetationthere are two options. You can make a suitable base of gravel, sand and soil on the liner and grow aquatic plants on it, and the other option is to use already growing aquatic plants in baskets or containers for your garden lake. The selection and combination of aquatic plants must be carried out carefully. This coastal vegetation must suit your taste, it should also create a stable environment for your artificial pond. The aquatic plants are divided into different groups: plants that grow in deep water, floating plant species and those that can only thrive in shallow water. To create a balanced environment, you need to select plants from the different groups. The aquatic vegetation must be planted at least ten days after the lake is constructed.

Coastal vegetation to suit your taste

There are special plants that can be planted on the lake, these are the group of plants that grow well on the banks of ponds or in shallow water, with their roots submerged in water. These plants also help purify the water, absorbing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus from the water. There are some very interesting native species, but also exotic plant varieties that were introduced to our country for their decorative characteristics. Here is a list of the most popular aquatic plants that are usually planted in the garden pond:
Acorus calamus – Indian calamus or also called swamp calamus
Alisma Plantago – aquatica – Common frog spoon
Astilbe hybrida – Astilbe “Germany – Japonica Hybrid
Cala palustris – Drachenwurz
Little Eleocharis

Floating plants are those whose leaves and flowers are on the surface of the water. Here are some of these types:

Aloeviden stratiotes – Krebsschere;
Pistia stratiotes – water lettuce, and others.

Of course, we cannot forget one of the most beautiful and popular aquatic plants, undoubtedly the white water lily (Nymphaea alba). It is widespread, but is protected. But there are also colorful water lilies, red and yellow, which also look enchanting in the water. The water lily is a perennial aquatic plant with leaves on and below the water surface. It blooms from June to October and is the queen of aquatic plants.

Cala palustris – Drachenwurz

These were a few practical useful tips on how you can beautify your garden and have a small artificial one thereCreate a garden pond. But if you don't succeed on the first try, definitely try again. Of course it would be nice if everything worked out right away, but that's not how it is. That's why don't be discouraged if things don't go right from the start. Don't ask for too much at once, because practice makes perfect. You don't have to build Rome in a day either, right? We wish you much success in realizing your new project!

Water lily

Common frog spoon

Indian calamus

Crab claws

Water salad