Girlands Hortness Runaway Bride: This is how the new type of hydrangea succeeds!

'Runaway Bride' is the name of a completely new type of hydrangea. With their striking appearance and the numerous, snow -white flowers, this hydrangea differs greatly from their sisters. In contrast to all other hydrangeas, the flowers are not only at the end, but along the entire branch. This ensures an incredible abundance of flowers. The unique, hanging grew caused associations to a beautiful wedding dress. The garlands Hortness 'Runaway Bride' was on theRHS Chelsea Flower ShowAwarded with the prestigious title plant of 2018 and it is easy to understand why! If you want to admire the wonderfully white flowers all summer in your own garden, read on to learn more about the new type of hydrangea and your care.

How did this new ceasing variety be created?

'Runaway Bride' is an invention of Ushio Sakazaki, the experienced Japanese ornamental plant breeder who changed years ago the fauna with the introduction of petunia 'Surfinia' ™. He also selected the very first 'Mini-Petunia', the magic bells (Calibrachoa), who received the name Petunia 'Million Bells' from the Royal Horticultural Society.

After Ushio Sakazaki revolutionized the Petunia, he started working with thePopular hydrangeas. He looked around for species with more flowers. He carefully studied her growth and branching before selecting an Asian way of crossing with the generally known Hydrangea Macrophylla. What he created was a completely new class of hydrangeas-the garland hydrangea!

Most hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) carry their flower in impressive inflorescences. The special thing about the garlands hydrangea 'Runaway Bride' is that it also blooms from the side drives of the branches, so that entire flower garlands develop along the petite shoots, up to 20 flower heads per stem! This new groundbreaking variety has the floral splendor that we have always dreamed of!


Heyday: all summer, from June to September
Planting time: From February to November
Location: Partial shade, south or west orientation / east or north alignment
Boden: moist, but well permeable, without waterlogging
Licht: Sun or very light shade
Water requirement: medium - high
bee -friendly
not evergreen,Battles in autumn
hardyto -15 ° C
Growth: 1.2 m high x 1.2 m wide

The garlands hydrangea changes their colors

In the summer months-from June to September-the garland hydrangea always produces new flowers, six times more than one ordinary hydrangea. The flowers of the 'Runaway Bride' are pure white and turn into a gentle pink with increasing age or at low temperatures. Then it seems like blushing the beautiful 'bride'!

In contrast to blue and pink hydrangeas, the flower color is not influenced by differences in the pH of the soil. In autumn, the green leaves turn orange-red and then fall off. The plant rests during the winter months. The new leaves show up in spring.

The small shrub isvery easy to care. Simply plant the right location, pour in regularly and fertilize and it will bloom and grow over the whole summer!

This plant feels in a compost enriched,dampMost comfortable as long as it is well permeable. One is optimalLocation in partial shade, preferably with afternoon shade. The hydrangea also grows in the shade without any problems, but will bloom less.

Hold the plantwell -watered. Hardensia are thirsty plants and do not like it when they dry out. Finally, Hydrangea comes from the Greek “Hydor”, which means water. Pour regularly and deeply. Fertilize every 14 days with a hydrangea fertilizer. Put a coaster under your plant that serves as a water reservoir.

The garland hydrangea grows approx. 20 cm per year and is about120 cm high and 120 cm wide. It reaches its full size in 5 to 10 years. The pruning is simple and promotes fresh, flower -rich shoots. Cut the plant back after flowering to promote the second flower!

The garland is hydrangea in Germanyhardy. Frost can harm the young buds and reduce the number of flowers, so it is advisable to protect the plant with fleece.

Where can you plant Hydrangea 'Runaway Bride'?

Hydrangea 'Runaway Bride' is the very first hydrangea that produces flowers from the side drives and therefore leaves many design options open! It can even be pulled up to the trellis!

With their slightly hanging growth, the garland hydrangea is ideal for planting tubs, flower lights and flower boxes on the balcony and terrace. It works best as a solitaire, but can also be combined with other plants.

Girlands Hortness in the pot

If you want to keep the hydrangea in a bucket, you should select a bucket of approx. 40 cm diameter and 30 cm depth. This is planted with a plant. So that the earth does not dry out too quickly, they do without terracotta buckets. A vintage-style planter harmonizes wonderfully with the romantic flowers of the hydrangea, but it can also work well in modern tubs in white, anthracite or black.

Girlands Hortness in the balcony box

The 'Runaway Bride' is a flat root and will also feel comfortable in balcony boxes. Which balcony plants together in the flower box? You can combine all plants for partially shade. The Giant Fuchsie 'Bicentennial' or the evergreen loop flower 'Masterpiece®' (Iberis sempervirens) are good companions of the garland.

Girlands Hortness in the bed

Explanting into the garden is easily possible from February to November. A plant spacing of approx. 60-80 cm is recommended for a low hedge. However, you should note that the plants are not evergreen.In the design of the bedTake into account the requirements of the other plants in light and water requirements. It should be guaranteed that the plants absorb sufficient water and nutrients and receive sufficient light.

Cut the garlands hydrangea

Hydrangea 'Runaway Bride' blooms on the wood last year, so they should be careful when cutting.

During the summer, the old flowers are regularly removed to stimulate flower formation. In autumn after flowering, new shoots develop, which then carry the flowers of next year. Leave the faded hydrangea flower heads until spring to protect the delicate new shoots from frost damage-they look beautiful when they are covered with frost, and of course they offer a substructure for hibernating wild animals.

The ideal time for a larger pruning is the period from February to March (before the shoot). Cut the faded shoots back except for a strong pair of buds. Remove damaged, dead and false branches. As soon as the plant has established itself, remove a quarter to a third of the shoots at the base every year to promote the production of new shoots that wear more flowers.

Notice: The plant parts are slightly toxic and can cause slight stomach upset when eating. The contact with leaves can make skin allergies worse. When handling, you should wear gloves and other protective equipment.

Hibernate the garlands hydrangea

If the bed is wintered, you should lay a mulch layer of roughly chopped straw or collected autumn leaves around the base of the plant according to the pruning of the hydrangeas.

The garlandshort can easily be wintered in a bucket outside. It is hardy to -15 degrees. You should only pack the bucket well, e.g. with air coconut foil, coconut mats or jute bags, and don't forget to water on frost -free days.

Girlands Hortness Runaway Bride multiply

You can multiply the garlands hydrangea in late spring/early summer or hardwood cuttails in winter.

Girlanden Hortensy-Possible Problems:

  • Pests -Leafing lice, capsid bugs, hydrangea wool scale (Pulvinaria Hydrangeae) and thick mouths can affect the plant.
  • Diseases -The 'Runaaway Bride' can be from leaf spots, gray, real mildew and honey mushroom (Armillaria) to be affected. You can do more about the hydrangeas diseasesRead here.
  • Yellow leaves- Maybe it is a sunburn. Place the bucket on a shady place. If the hydrangea is given yellow leaves, it can also be a lack of important nutrients such as nitrogen or iron.
  • Girland Hortensy does not bloom- It can happen that despite good care and sufficient sun, you will not bloom the following year. The causes of this are diverse. If you have bought and repotted the garlands hydrangea in a garden center, the plant may be busy developing roots and establishing itself at the new location. The lack of flower can be disappointing for this year, but will lead to a healthy plant in the long run. The full splendor of the garland shoulder should develop from the 2nd year of stand. Make sure that the young shoots and buds are well protected from frost.