Create and plant a long and narrow flower bed with these tips

In contrast to oneround flower bedA long and narrow planting strip is often not the gardener's first choice. Nevertheless, flower beds with this shape are very common, as they beautifully border different parts of the garden. This can be used, for example, to make the house wall, the driveway, a wall or hedge more attractive. However, planting a long, narrow flower bed is a real challenge. The reason for this is not only the peculiarities of the location, but also the correct composition with a small width of the bed. In this article we will give you tips and ideas on how to create a beautiful long and narrow flower bed and what you need to consider.

Design tips for long and narrow flower beds

Before we get to the planting ideas, we would like to summarize the most important design rules for narrow flower beds. In contrast to beds where there is enough width, in this case we have to be a little more economical with the selection of plants and flowers. Lush plant combinations are of no use with this bed shape and can look chaotic. Instead, limit yourself to a few species that repeat along the length of the bed. Different plant heights are fine, but must be coordinated with the width of the bed.

Plants with different heights

If the bed is very narrow, the tall and short plants are planted alternately. However, if there is enough width, then you can use the taller-growing onesFlowers and perennialsplant in the background and the lower ones in the foreground. This works best with long flower beds that are in front of the house, wall or hedge. If it is a free-standing, long and narrow flower bed, then playing with the heights of the plants is more difficult.