Choose good neighbors for cucumbers: 7 suitable plants for companion cultivation

In companion cultivation, the companion plants must grow well next to each other and not compete with each other for sun or food. Gardeners know that cucumbers like well-drained soil enriched with sufficient organic matter. If you want to choose good neighbors for your cucumbers, note that because these vegetables are annuals, it is important that any other plants you choose as companion plants are also annuals.

1. Marigold is helpful for cucumbers

Marigold (Calendula officinalis) is a popular and useful outdoor flower. Many gardeners find their bright flowers pretty because they give your garden a radiant look. This is an annual flower that is very common because it attracts a variety of beneficial insects and pests. Thus, the plant can be a good neighbor for cucumbers because it can serve as a “trap” in the garden to keep aphids away from the cucumber plants. Marigold is also useful because it attracts hoverflies, which feed on aphids, and parasitic wasps, which eat cucumber beetles. The plants save you the trouble of pest control as the natural, organic ways are always the best.

Gardeners know that marigold flowers attract pollinators and this is one of the best qualities that make them good neighbors for cucumbers. Marigolds love filtered sunor partial shade.Therefore, they are very good for growing next to cucumber plants that provide shade.

2. Radishes for optimal use of the garden space

Radishes (Raphanus sativus) are very compact and therefore suitable for planting near cucumbers. They grow quickly and by the time your cucumbers are big enough, the radishes will have long since been harvested. According to experts, it is advisable to plant two or three radish seeds in each hill. Radishes keep cucumber beetles away and attract pollinators, making them useful for many vegetables in the garden.

When growing radishes, keep in mind that growing Brassica crops in the same location two years in a row increases the risk of certain pests and diseases becoming established. Therefore, you should alternate the cultures.

Borage (Borago officinalis) is a good neighbor for cucumbers. It is also useful because it attracts pollinators. Its flowers are edible and taste like cucumbers. Also suitable for sowing alongside zucchini and tomatoes. This plant is an annual and self-sowing. Its usefulness also lies in the fact that it enriches the soil with nutrients. The useful plantdrives away pestslike hornworms. If you're planting borage next to your cucumbers, keep in mind that the plants need enough space to thrive, so you shouldn't grow the two varieties too close together. Air circulation is one of the most important requirements for the healthy growth of all vegetables.

4. Carrots are good for companion cropping

The roots of cucumber plants do not grow too large, so you can grow a root vegetable such as carrots (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) near cucumber plants. This will help you make the most of your garden space.

Carrots are slow to germinate, so you'll need to plant them early in the spring to give them enough time to grow. If you plant them next to cucumbers, carrots will have enough space before the cucumber plants have grown large. So both varieties will thrive as good neighbors.

5. Use corn as a natural support

Cucumbers generally need support and what's better than natural supports? Corn stalks can be used in the garden as a natural support for climbing varieties. To do this, you should plant corn in early spring. Corn grows very quickly and by the time your cucumber plants need their supports, the corn stalks will be tall and thick enough to support the climbing vegetables. Use corn as a support for smaller cucumbers, as corn plants probably wouldn't be able to support the weight of larger-fruited cucumbers.

Another benefit: according to agricultural experts at the Chemung County University of Cornell Extension Service, “cucumbers seem to be unpleasant to raccoons, so it's good to plant them near the corn.” Crops like cucumberscan suppress weeds, if you sow them at the base of the corn plants.

6. Dill attracts pollinators to the vegetable garden

Dill is not just a wonderful herb in the garden. It attracts beneficial insects such as ladybugs, which eat aphids and spider mites. The herb also attracts pollinators and this is a great benefit for all vegetables in the garden. You can grow bouquet dill next to cucumbers. It ripens for up to 60 days, so it is ready at the same time as your cucumber fruits.

7. Sunflowers are good neighbors for cucumbers

Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are also known for attracting pollinators to the vegetable garden. This makes them one of the best neighbors for cucumbers. The plants are also tall enough to serve as a natural support for cucumber plants because the sunflower's sturdy stems can serve as a stable structure for the cucumber plants to grow. Sunflowers thrive all summer long, so they can be helpful neighbors to your cucumbers all season long.