Hanging trees in the garden for a romantic atmosphere

You can achieve a romantic garden design with hanging trees. Even a single tree makes a big difference, not only giving you a great spot of shade, but also creating an impressive focal point. We would like to dedicate this article to these romantic tree species and also introduce you to the most common species. If you are looking for a new piece of jewelry, this article will definitely make you consider hanging trees in the garden. Be inspired and impressed by our images.

Elegance and grace

The hanging trees in the garden radiate elegance and grace. They create a calming atmosphere and guarantee the best relaxation on your day off, at the weekend or during your vacation. Because such a tree can drastically change the landscape, they are a popular choice for designers.

Hanging trees in the garden with attractive branches and leaves

The special thing about hanging trees is not just the hanging branches. These are often covered in pretty leaves and have pretty flowers at certain times of the year. In this way you get a wonderful garden decoration that you can enjoy for a long time throughout the year.

Species in the hanging trees

There are three types of hanging trees. They differ primarily in their crown shape. On the one hand, there existsReflaxes-Art. These are hanging trees in which the branches are strongly curved and hang directly downwards. This gives the tree an overall quite narrow figure.

Pendula and Inversa hanging tree

ThePendulum-Hanging tree will be the samePendensorPendulinacalled. Their branches also hang downwards, but they still form a rainbow shape beforehand. But it also has an interesting shapeReverse-Form. The branches first grow horizontally, i.e. horizontally to the ground, before they fall down. These two species get a wider figure.

Where would a tree like this best fit?

Hanging trees in the garden look great anywhere. In one place the surroundings seem particularly natural, because in the wild some types of hanging trees grow in such humid areas. But the hanging tree will also be a welcome decorative accent at the entrance gate, along the garden path or in the middle of a pretty flower bed.

Loosen up the atmosphere

A very strict and straight garden can be broken with the help of a hanging tree. In particular, the pretty seating area with a bench or a small play area for the children under the hanging tree looks very romantic and guarantees you pleasant shade even in the hot summer.

In the small garden

Most hanging trees are certainly very large. However, there are smaller varieties that you can easily plant in a smaller outdoor area without worrying about the size when fully grown. In this way you will undoubtedly enhance the allotment garden. As you can see, a hanging tree in the garden is always a great choice! As an alternative to trees, you can also choose hanging bushes.

Individually or combined with other trees?

Since hanging trees are already very attractive in the garden, in most cases they are planted individually. If you would still prefer to plant a group of trees, it is best to choose hanging trees in different sizes and with different leaf colors and shapes. This way the romantic look is preserved.

Pond as an illusion

Just because you don't own a pond doesn't mean you can't create such an ambience. This is especially a great option if you don't have time to maintain a garden pond, but would still like to have such an environment. To do this, simply combine hanging trees in the garden with grasses and reeds that usually grow on the banks of ponds.

Hanging tree to replace the water feature

The falling branches of hanging trees in the garden are reminiscent of a fountain. For this reason, you can use a willow or other hanging tree to replace a water feature. However, if you already have a water feature or a pond, these are exactly the right areas for the hanging tree.

Attractive in every season

Hanging trees in the garden are undoubtedly beautiful to look at at any time of the year. In spring the small, delicate leaves look very beautiful, but in summer they take on attractive green shades. There are species in which the leaves change color wonderfully and in strong colors in autumn. And even in winter, you can enjoy the hanging branches, which look even more attractive when covered in white snow.

Different sizes

As already mentioned, you have a wide range of different sizes to choose from. Which one you choose depends not only on your taste, but also on how large your property is and how many of the trees you want to plant. It is important not to overdo it with the hanging trees. A number that is too high simply deprives the tree of its striking appearance and also seems like too much of a good thing.

Large hanging trees in the garden

The larger variants include the attractive silver maple (Sugar syrup), the sal willow (Salix the goat) and some species of birch. As impressive as these trees are, you really have to allow for a lot of space for them. For this reason, they are more likely to be chosen for public parks or larger ponds and lakes.

Small and medium sized species

These sizes are much more suitable for private gardens. If you have very little space, you can also choose mini versions that are just as pretty as the larger types, but you still have enough free space.

The main thing to keep in mind when caring for it is that the crown needs to be trimmed regularly. In this way, the trees get a perfect shape that is pleasing to the eye. In addition, new shoots that grow from the trunk must be removed to ensure a perfectly formed trunk.


There are many different types and shapes. We've already mentioned that. That's why it won't be a problem to find the perfect one for your garden area. Or maybe it is? Of course, a large selection can also mean that the choice becomes even more difficult. Because how are you supposed to choose between several favorites?

Well, all we can do is help you by introducing you to some popular options for hanging trees in the garden. In principle, you can choose between large and small, native and exotic, elegant shrubs, junipers and even some fruit trees. Choose for yourself!

Plant weeping willow

The weeping willow is a classic. Just imagine their pretty branches swaying back and forth in the breeze. Whether in the middle of the garden or by the garden pond, the weeping willow is guaranteed to change the look a lot. It is particularly effective in front of larger and darker trees.

Care and types of weeping willow

A great feature of the weeping willow is that it is very easy to care for and undemanding. In addition, it is a great eye-catcher at any time of the year. It's best to choose between theSalix the goat, which is particularly impressive in spring when it is blooming, as well as the more delicate onesSalix purpureaand theSalix alba.

The birch

The birch also comes in a form with hanging branches. This tree is a real gem that is particularly popular for parks. The attractive white bark makes these hanging trees an eye-catcher in the garden with a larger area or in the park, not only individually, but also in smaller and larger groups.

Popular birch species

The branches of the variety form a pleasant mess in the landscapeJoung. A variant with hanging branches represents theDeadline-Variety. The latter still has a rather round shaped crown. But all birch species have one thing in common and that is their graceful appearance. A somewhat older species is the birchElm scabbard. It was already bred in 1826. These birch trees are particularly suitable if you value dense shade. This is created due to the very densely growing branches.

Common pea bush (Caragana arborescens)

If you are looking for a small variant for hanging trees in the garden, this shrub is a good choice. It belongs to the hanging tree species Pendula and its shape can be compared to that of an umbrella. This form is formed by the older branches. The new shoots grow on the outer periphery. The leaves give the shrub an attractive look.

Vogelbeere (A sip of acuparía)

The pretty rowanberry also has a species with hanging branches. The pretty, feathery leaves are one reason why they are often seen in parks or gardens. In addition, there are also the attractive, bright red berries that adorn the bush and therefore your own garden.

Ash trees

The hanging ash tree species was already in the 18th centuryTaller ash 'Pendula'' very popular in England. And today they are still in demand as hanging trees in the garden. If you have an ash tree, you no longer need a pergola or roof to provide shade. The wide, rainbow-shaped crown does that. Those tooFraxinus excelsiorArt is a great variant. Here the older branches grow wildly together, creating an asymmetrical shape for the crown, but the young branches hang downwards as desired.

apple tree (Good luck lining up)

With this variant you can wonderfully combine the beautiful with the useful. Not only do you get hanging branches that can reach to the ground. In spring the tree is even adorned with gorgeous purple flowers. After summer, the delicious apples in yellow or red-green decorate the tree again. There is also another type in which the branches grow to the side, creating an umbrella-like shape. The flowers in this case are white-pink.

Mulberry tree (Morus)

You get a medium-high species with the mulberry tree, provided you choose a hanging species. This only grows to between 3 and 4 meters high, which makes it perfect for small gardens. In addition to its decorative properties, the mulberry tree also produces delicious fruits. The branches reach down to the ground, forming an area reminiscent of a tent. The mulberry tree can be cut as desired.


You are definitely familiar with the chestnut tree and are probably wondering what this tree is doing in our article. The reason is simply that it also has a hanging variety that is even more impressive than its park-favorite relative.

Plant juniper

We have already mentioned the juniper. This type of hanging tree also includes pine, fir, thuja and larch. They also provide an interesting accent as hanging trees in the garden and surprise everyone with their appearance and effect.