Great designs are difficult to describe in words. That's why today we have 35 balcony ideas for you on how you can set up and decorate your small outdoor space. Maybe some of them will stimulate your imagination and help you make your outdoor space a more comfortable place to relax after a hard day at work.
Of course, not every area is suitable for a relaxation makeover with a table and chairs. If your apartment is on a dusty, central street, it might be better to have a small oneOutdoor gardento design with interesting plants. However, if you have a larger area, clean air and a great view at your disposal, you have the opportunity to transform it into a wonderful place where you can rest and gather with your friends.
A corner to relax in the middle of the city
When it comes to furnishings and choosing furniture, there are several options to choose from, but you should choose them based on the space you have available. If you have a small and narrow balcony area, it would be more beneficial to choose folding chairs that you can lean against the wall when not in use.
If you have enough space, you can also choose nice upholstered furniture to furnish with. Such a facility undoubtedly ensures comfort and coziness. In this case, the terrace should be covered or offer the option of being closed. After all, you don't want the rain to ruin the furniture.
Padded balcony furniture
If you have enough space, you can also choose nice upholstered furniture for outdoor use. Such a facility undoubtedly ensures comfort and coziness. In this case, the terrace should be covered or offer the option of being closed. After all, you don't want the rain to ruin the furniture.
With folding chairs and table
More foldable tables and chairs
Narrow version
A wonderful place for morning coffee
Decorate with flowers
With a great view
A cozy outdoor space with lots of green plants
With upholstered furniture
A set of upholstered furniture
Pillows provide comfort and coziness
Rattan furniture is particularly suitable
A large outdoor area with synthetic rattan furniture
A combination of a sofa and low furniture
A great combination of colors reminiscent of the sea
With a great view in a big city
A likeable variant
On a rooftop
Who doesn't like grilling?
Find time to relax even in public buildings
On the sea coast
Another great view of the sea
A hammock is a great way to relax
An area to relax with a beautiful view