Amaryllis does not bloom: What mistakes to avoid when caring for it so that you can make the plant bloom

Amaryllis is an exotic plant with lush flowers that many of us love. Like any flower, it has certain growth requirements. Amaryllis does not bloom - what to do and how to make the plant bloom?

This flower can bloom twice a year. To do this, you need to take certain care measures. The amaryllis does not bloom because the bulb was not well nourished before the dormant period. There can be many reasons for this, mainly related to post-flowering care. Good care ensures new blooms after the dormant period.

Amaryllis does not bloom: main reasons

Foto: i-do-nothing-but-love / unsplash

Why is my amaryllis not blooming? When growing amaryllis, there are some mistakes that can deprive you of beautiful blooms. Below are the most important mistakes that you should avoid in order to enjoy your plant for longer.

Lack of care after flowering

After flowering, you should not leave the amaryllis unattended. It needs to be watered and fed regularly.When the amaryllis has bloomed in winter, it should receive enough light so that it can fully develop its photosynthesis. After the end of the frost period, the plant should be brought outside as soon as possible. Gradually move them to a sunny location so that the leaves can fully develop. You can also place the plant on a sunny windowsill where it will get the light and warmth it needs.

Not ensuring sufficient rest time

The amaryllis bulb needs a rest period of at least 8 weeks. If the rest period is not enough, the plant will not bloom. The amaryllis only produces leaves when the rest period is poor. In order to enjoy new blooms, the rest period must be sufficiently long and take place under suitable conditions. A dark, cool and well-ventilated place is for themgood development of the amaryllissuitable. If you wake the bulb too early, you risk the flowers dropping.

Amaryllis will not bloom if you cut off the foliage after flowering

Photo: tania-nuevo /pexels

If you cut off not only the inflorescence but also the foliage after flowering, the bulb goes straight into a resting phase but does not have enough strength to produce new flowers. The leaves are needed to generate energy so that the plants can bloom again.

Damaged onions should be discarded

A damaged bulb also leads to a lack of flowers. Overwatering, overfertilizing, or injury to the bulb can lead to this problem. If the onion rots, it should be discarded. When buying, pay attention to the quality of the onions. Also make sure that the bulb is planted correctly and is not left lying on the surface of the soil.

Foto: neil-harvey / pexels

Amaryllis have similar needs to the other bulbs in your garden: moisture, light, nutrition and a period of rest. With proper care of the plant, you can make it bloom. Persistence and year-round care are required.

How to properly secure the rest phase

In order for amaryllis to bloom again, they need to be put into a dormant period by placing them in a cool, dark place. As mentioned, the bulb needs to rest for at least eight weeks before it can be made to bloom again.

The plants must not be watered during the dormant phase, otherwise they will bloom again too early. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, they can easily be removed. When the plant begins to grow, water the soil thoroughly and return the pot to a warmer, sunny location.

You can also resume fertilizing since the plant now needs nutrition. Flowers usually develop around 4-6 weeks after the dormant period.

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What care is needed after flowering

Photo: suzanne-d-williams / unsplash

As I said, you have to continue caring for the plant after flowering. Cut off the flowers as soon as they have faded to prevent seed formation. Do not remove the flower stalk until it begins to yellow. It is needed to photosynthesize and generate energy for future flower growth.

How to care for amaryllis after flowering? After flowering, place your amaryllis in a bright location in the house. Water regularly and fertilize monthly. Which fertilizer is suitable for this plant? If you want to feed your amaryllis with homemade fertilizer, you can use diluted coffee and bone meal as fertilizer.

During the growing season, the plant needs at least six hours of sunlight per day. In autumnyou should get the amaryllisbring it into the house before the first frost.

Ensure suitable soil and good drainage

The soil for amaryllis plants should be well-drained. What type of soil does amaryllis need? The best potting soil for this plant is a mix high in organic matter. A good mix is ​​two parts clay, one part perlite and one part rotted manure.

Also read:Overwinter Amaryllis and get it to bloom again: Don't underestimate the rest phase!