Repotting amaryllis in November: Helpful tips on how to repot your plant correctly!

Repotting amaryllis in November? Yes, now is the right time for it! If you want your beloved plant to bloom at Christmas time, take the time to repot it.

You've probably decided to keep your beautiful amaryllis alive all summer in the hopes that it will bloom again in the winter. If the plant was kept outside in a somewhat shady spot in the summer and was watered and fertilized regularly, you're in luck. With such treatment, the bulbs will store energy and be ready to bloom again in December.

Photo: David_Tanke/Envato Elements

Although they live for years, amaryllis bulbs are not very hardy. This beautiful flower is usually grown as a houseplant in colder regions to achieve an artificial winter bloom. If you only get one winter bloom from your amaryllis, you can extend the plant's lifespan by repotting.

Which soil for amaryllis?

Foto: tsableaux/ Envato Elements

If a bulb has been in the same pot for two years or more, the soil should be replaced. Plant an amaryllis bulb in a container with compost, but do not use a container that is too large for the plant. Onions quickly become waterlogged and rot when left in damp soil, which can be caused by too much material around them. Amaryllis plants thrive in well-drained soil. Only peat should be used for amaryllis plants, but keep in mind that it is very difficult to hydrate peat when it has dried out.

The ideal amaryllis soil has a high percentage of organic material and good drainage. Two parts clay, one part perlite and one part manure is a good mix. This mix meets both the organic matter and good drainage requirements, which are essential for growing amaryllis. Another recommended mixture is equal parts clay, sand and compost. No matter what you use, make sure the organic material is thoroughly decomposed and mixed with enough sand to facilitate water drainage. When planting amaryllis, leave one-third to one-half of the bulb tip above the ground.

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How to repot amaryllis in November?

Photo: Sarycheva Olesia/Shutterstock

Repotting your amaryllis should be done in the fall when the plant's growth cycle begins. The leaves should be brown and crispy before repotting, and the bulb should be sprouting new, green growth. If necessary, you can now repot them into another container. When repotting, consider the size of the amaryllis. It is a plant that thrives in small spaces, so repotting is only necessary when the bulb gets dangerously close to the edge of the pot. Because of their preference for tight root spaces, many bulbs can be grown in a single container. Try to choose a container that has at least 1 inch of space on both sides for your onion(s).

Remove the bulb and trim the roots if they are too large for the new pot. Before placing the amaryllis bulb in the ground, soak it in a bowl of warm water for a few hours. The result is increased flowering. Then fill the pot halfway with substrate mix, working out any lumps and pressing them gently with your fingertips. Insert the amaryllis bulb so that it is in the center of the top. Fill the soil around the tuber and compact it slightly. The amaryllis bulb should be halfway out of the ground, as already mentioned.

If you water and care for your plant well, it will produce fresh flowers all winter long.Your amaryllis is growingvigorous if you give it plenty of time to ripen in a warm, bright place. After flowering, you may need to support the flower spikes with sticks.

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Caring for Amaryllis Bulbs

Photo: rohaneh/Envato Elements

These tips will help you care for amaryllis:

  • Location:Place the amaryllis in a bright but shady spot in the house. Temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius are ideal for growing amaryllis. Don't leave them near drafty windows or hot radiators. When the flower stalk develops, move the amaryllis to a sunnier location. Rotate the pot every few days to keep it evenly lit and not tip over. A cooler location out of direct sunlight can help amaryllis flowers last longer once they open.
  • Water:Avoid getting water on the neck of the bulbs byWater them first, when the top inch of potting soil is dry.
  • Fertilizer:Use a phosphorus-rich houseplant fertilizer to encourage flowering.

Amaryllis propagate through cuttings

Photo: EwaStudio/ Envato Elements

You can have oneCuttings from your amaryllis bulbrepot or relocate when it has formed new, smaller bulbs on the side of the original plant. Leave the green leaves on the bulbs, but remove any yellow or dead leaves before repotting.

How to care for your amaryllis in a glassfind out here!