How often pour arched hemp and fertilize? With the right care, the plant feels comfortable at your home

The arched hemp (Sansevieria) is considered one of the most easy -care houseplants. It is almost indestructible and can also thrive well with neglect and adorn different corners of the apartment for a long time. Nevertheless, the plant has certain preferences when it comes to the location, water and fertilizers. In today's post, we explain when and how often you should water and fertilize the arch and fertilize.

How do I care for an arch?

Although the archereasy to maintain, like any other plant, he has some requirements for the location and the care that is important for good plant health.

Even known as a mother -in -law tongue, the tropical plant prefers a light and warm location without drafts, where the temperature in winter does not fall below 15 ° C. The houseplant does not like strong temperature fluctuations, so pay attention to the most constant room temperature.

The best soil for the arched hemp should be permeable and low in nutrients. Since this plant is a kind of succulent, you prefer to choose special cactus soil as a substrate. The pot should definitely have good drainage.

Pour arched hemp properly - when and how often?

When asked how often you should pour an arched hemp, there is unfortunately no simple, clear answer. However, there are various factors that influence and determine the ideal rhythm for irrigation.

First of all, it is important to know that these houseplants are considered succulents because they store water in their thick, fleshy leaves. They are located in areas in Africa and South Asia, where they are used to intensive weather. Thanks to its ability to store water, the archery is of course very robust plant, which can also survive dry periods. It is also more susceptible to root rot than some other tropical plants and can be easily overlooked.

In principle, however, the following applies:Bogene should pour an arch from below and not directly into the leaf rosettes to prevent the leaves from lazy.

Water requirements depends on the growth conditions

Although arched hemp is generally tolerant of dryness, the frequency that it should be poured depends on its growth conditions. Light, temperature and humidity, soil type and the type of planter can affect the water requirement of a Sansevieria.


The amount of light that the archer gets is the most important factor that determines how often it has to be poured. Plants that grow in a lot of light must be watered more often, while plants thatgrow with little light, don't need so much water.

Temperature and humidity

Bogene hemp thrives in a wide range of temperature and air humidity, but you should be clear about the effects of different temperatures and humidity levels on the water requirements of your plants. In general, a plant that is grown at higher temperatures requires more water than a plant that is grown at lower temperatures. In addition, a plant that is grown with high humidity requires less water than a plant that is grown in dry conditions. This means that an arche that grows under hot, dry conditions needs significantly more water than a plant that grows under cold, moist conditions - and vice versa.

Bogene pour to soil type

Ideally, arched hemp should be planted in sandy, well -permeable soil. This keeps the excess moisture away from the roots after each irrigation. However, if the plant is planted in a not so well permeable soil, it does not have to be poured as often as in a well -permeable substrate.


The type of pot that grows in the arche can affect how often it has to be poured. Terracotta pots, for example, absorb the moisture from the earth, causing the earth to dry out faster than in a plastic pot. If the pot has drainel holes, excess water runs out of the drainel holes with every water, which leads to a drier floor, while pots without drainel holes keep the excess water longer in the earth. Make sure that you are familiar with the type of pot of your plant and know how this can affect your growth conditions.

When sheeting

As a rule of thumb, sheet hemp should be watered as soon as the earth is completely dry. In spring and summer you have to pour your mother -in -law tongue more often because of the stronger light, higher temperatures and the stronger growth than in autumn and winter. So it may be that you have to water your plant once a week in spring and summer and only every two to three weeks in autumn and winter. If you are not sure whether it is time to pour your plant, remember that it is generally better to pour the bow -to -bend less and less frequently than to oversee it. You can also buy a moisturizer to test the floor and ensure that it is completely dry before watering.

If a plant gets too little or more than the necessary amount of water, it reacts to it after a while. So you can find out if there is a problem when pouring your arched plant:

Signs that the plant gets too little water

  • brown tips
  • dying leaves
  • Hard, compacted earth that loosens from the edge of the pot

If you notice one of these signs, pour your plant well and keep an eye on it. When the earth is compacted, you may have to repott the plant and supply them with fresh earth, but usually a few regular water gives to bring the plant back to life.

Signs that your plant is overwhelmed

  • yellow leaves
  • mushy stem
  • Staunasse earth

If you notice signs of overgrading, you should take the plant out of the pot and examine your roots for root rot, which the plant can kill if it is not recognized in time.

Which fertilizer for arched hemp?

The arched hemp thrives best in a nutrient -poor earth. Fertilizeonly necessary once a month between March and October,In a weak dosage. But which fertilizer is the right one?

The best choice is a good cactus liquid fertilizer that you spend together with the irrigation water. Alternatively, a liquid fertilizer for green plants is also suitable. You can also fertilize the houseplant with some home remedies such as coffee grounds.

When do you have to repotted an arch?

And how can you find that the easy -careHouse plant a new potneeds? Quite simply - take a closer look at the roots: do you protrude from the substrate? If so, then the plant should move into another pot. Spring and especially the months of March and April are ideal for this.