What is the optimal location for orchids and which growing conditions are suitable for the popular houseplants?

Orchids are tropical plants, but they can still thrive in many different environments. Are you wondering what is the optimal location for orchids in your home? Here are some good suggestions!

It should be noted that the best location for your orchids may be different when there is a lot of sunlight than when there is less light. Find out from our article where your orchids grow best!

Grow orchids in the living room

Of course, orchids thrive best in the sun. As a rule, living rooms are sunny enough for the healthy growth of your plants. Indirect sunlight is recommended, so a north-east facing window is perfect for your orchid.Is your living roomFacing west, it is best to place the plant further away from the window, e.g. B. on a table or shelf. If you still place your orchid closer to the window, make sure the window is set up with a sheer curtain to avoid direct sunlight.

Colorful beauty in the dining room

Why not brighten up your dining room with a colorful orchid? And there is also another advantage because dining rooms are usually connected to the kitchen, so your plant can benefit from the warmth of the kitchen. If you have a placefor your orchidin the dining room, make sure the orchid is not near fruit bowls if you have it in the dining room. The ethylene gas released by ripening fruits can cause your exotic plant's buds to drop prematurely.

Beautify your home office

If you work from home, an orchid can definitely refresh your workspace. By the way, home offices are one of the best places for orchids because they are usually well lit. This way your plants can get the light they need.

What is the optimal location for orchids: Bathroom

Phalaenopsis orchids are tropical plants and love moisture. The bathroom is of course the wettest room in a house. The steam in the bathroom would benefit your plant as it will always be moist and warm.Should be your bathroomdon't have windows, then take your plant out of the room for part of the day and place it in another room with indirect sunlight. It's good to alternate placing your plant in the bathroom and another room because this can also prevent mold from forming due to too much moisture.

Orchids in the bedroom

An orchid in the bedroom is a beautiful way to add some color to the room. A bedroom is usually pleasantly warm. If you place your flower near a window, make sure it is not exposed to drafts and faces north or east.

General tips for caring for the popular plant

As mentioned, orchids need indirect sunlight to thrive. You don't need tolots of water. There is a really easy way to water your orchid. Three ice cubes once a week keep the potting soil moist and the plant thrives.