The dragon tree (Dracaena) belongs to the asparagus family – Asparagaceae. It is an evergreen houseplant with a striking appearance. It is known for its thin strips of leaves that protrude from its sturdy trunks. The Dracena requires little maintenance and is a great air purifier. It also adds beauty and elegance to any room it decorates. What the plant's needs are and what care the dragon tree needs is the subject of this article.
What you should know about the dragon tree
Dracaena is an attractive plant with green, sword-like leaves edged in red. The striking prickly tree comes from Madagascar and is known as an entry-level plant for home gardeners. It is easy to care for, drought tolerant and almost indestructible. The slow-growing plant can be planted year-round and has tiny white flowers in spring (although it rarely blooms indoors).
The dragon tree is usually grown as a houseplant in a pot and pruned to 2 m or less. However, outdoors and in warm climates it can grow up to 6 m tall.
Important: Dracaena is poisonous to cats and other pets.
Dragon tree care – consider these factors
Thanks to their tolerance of a wide range of temperatures, dragon trees are very popular as large potted plants for homes and offices. They should be planted in well-drained soil and watered regularly throughout the growing season. Although they can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, they do best in indirect, bright light.
Do not place the plant in direct sunlight
Dragon tree care and location: Dracaena grow best in bright light, but can also survive in partial shade. Note that plants kept in lower light grow slower and produce smaller leaves with less intense color. Also make sure that your dragon tree is not in a place with direct sunlight - its leaves can easily burn.
Use loamy soil with peat moss
If you are growing the dragon tree as a pot plant, use loose, well-drained potting soil - loamy soil with peat moss is ideal. Make sure the container you choose has room for the plant's extensive root system.
Dragon tree care – Water sparingly
As with many drought-tolerant plants, it is easy to overwater the dragon tree. To avoid drowning it, wait until the top half of the soil is dry before watering (this can often be three weeks or longer). If the plant develops brown leaf tips, it is usually a sign that it is either getting too much water or that the water you are using contains too much salt or fluoride, which can cause discoloration. To avoid fluoride, water your dragon tree with distilled or non-fluoridated water. If the dragon tree has yellow leaves drooping, it usually means it needs more water.
Temperature and humidity
Dragon trees prefer higher temperatures between 21 and 26 degrees Celsius. Normal humidity levels in the house should be fine for them, but if your house is particularly dry, you may consider lightly misting the plant with a spray bottle every few days.
Dragon tree care – Fertilize only in spring
Dragon trees have relatively low fertilizer requirements and it is not an essential ingredient for a thriving plant. However, to stimulate their growth, you can fertilize them lightly with a balanced, controlled-release liquid fertilizer in early spring. Do not fertilize in winter.
Repot every second or third year
Because these trees grow so slowly, they generally only need to be repotted every second or even third year.
When to repot:If your dragon tree's roots are growing out of the pot, it will show you this by bulging on the sides.
Pot size:If you want your plant to grow larger, find a plant pot that is 2 inches larger than the current pot. If you want your plant to stay the same height, you can reuse the same pot and simply replace the soil. You may need to cut back some roots to do this.
Get your hands dirty: Spread newspaper on the ground, remove the plant from the pot and shake off as much of the old soil as possible so you have clean roots. Place the plant in the center of the pot, add new soil and tamp it down. Water the soil thoroughly and place the plant in a location with bright, indirect light. Your plant will need 2-4 weeks to recover from the shock and adjust to its new home.
Dragon tree care – pruning
It is completely normal for a dragon tree to shed dead leaves on its own. Simply pick them up and dispose of them. To keep the plant neat and tidy, remove any leaves that look like they are about to fall off or trim the stems back with sterile, sharp pruning shears. Sterilize your cutting tool with a clean rag soaked in a household product such as rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, then rinse with water and wipe dry before using it on your plant.
Do you want to brighten up dark rooms in your home? Which houseplants are suitable for dark cornersyou can find out here!