Extremely hardy potted plants: 7 species that survive the winter outdoors

Would you like to beautify your home with plants this winter, but haven't found the right ones yet? But which potted plants survive the adverse winter conditions? We've put together a list of 7 extremely hardy container plants that can survive cool temperatures, frost and snow.

Container plants are very popular with gardeners, regardless of whether they are placed on the balcony or in the front garden. However, it is often frustrating that you have to bring them indoors in the winter. If you want to add a touch of beauty to your outdoor space in winter, choose these extremely hardy potted plants that can tolerate temperatures below -20°C.

Extremely hardy potted plants: These species can be left outside in winter

There are many beautiful winter garden decorating ideas, but the simplest of them is planting in containers to add color and mood to your home. But if you decide to do this, always remember that plants in containers can tolerate less cold than species that are planted directly in the ground. We've put together 7 extremely hardy container plants that you can leave outside during the winter months.

Healing yarrow

Yarrow is perfect for growing in containers, especially since the container limits the plant's tendency to spread. Their flower umbels bring lots of color from June to August and can easily be integrated into the garden as an eye-catcher. Although it is primarily known as an ornamental plant, it also hashealing propertiesand you can add the leaves and shoots to delicious salads as it is completely edible.

The yarrow is very hardy and resilient, and usually does not need any additional care in winter. Just make sure it has good drainage throughout the winter and the container doesn't get waterlogged.

Jacob's Ladder (Heaven's Ladder)

Jacob's Ladder is an excellent, easy-care plant that is grown in many gardens. It is usually quite hardy and can tolerate both cold and high temperatures when placed in partial shade. This compact plant is also suitable for outdoor containers as it can tolerate temperatures down to around -34°C. It loves fertile soil and prefers full sun or partial shade. Cut them back just above the ground after flowering.

Lavender heather (hairy rosemary heather)

The lavender heather is a low-growing shrub that grows up to 30 cm high and also thrives in a pot or flower box. However, make sure that the container has drainage holes so that excess water can escape.

Its delicate pink flowers appear in spring and it can be easily cut back afterwards.

This extremely hardy plant can withstand temperatures down to -45 °C, but it does not like heat.

Waldsteinia (three-leaf golden strawberry)

The Waldsteinia is a compact plant that is mainly grown as a hardy, evergreen ground cover, but also thrives in containers. It usually grows to a height of 10-15 cm and prefers a semi-shady to shady location.

With its trifoliate green leaves and bright yellow flowers, it provides beautiful accents outdoors.

The Waldsteinia can also thrive under difficult conditions and on poor soil. Although extremely low temperatures can make it appear as if it is going extinct, it almost always recovers.

Wildly romantic autumn monkshood

The autumn monkshoodis a perennial, whose large, violet-blue flowers appear from September to October. In spring and summer it decorates the outdoor area with its deep-cut, dark green leaves. It thrives in almost any nutrient-rich soil, in a partially shaded to sunny location. It is extremely hardy and does not require any additional winter protection.

The autumn monkshood is also very popular as a cut flower, but be careful that all of its parts are highly poisonous.

Fingerstrauch (Potentilla)

The finger bush is very popular with gardeners because it is extremely hardy and easy to care for. It blooms from May to October in white, yellow, orange or pink. The small shrub slowly grows into a compact bush with green, hairy leaves. To keep the container plant looking neat, cut it back in spring.

The crab grows best in well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade and also tolerates cool outdoor temperatures well.

Extremely hardy potted plants: early summer anemones

The striking early summer compass roses are a long-flowering plant that are ideal for growing in pots on the terrace or balcony. Its broad foliage and purple-red flowers are covered in silky, fine hairs.

The easy-care early summer anemones bloom all summer long and reach a height of 25 cm.

Plant it in well-drained soil and place it in a sunny location to enjoy its magnificent blooms in the warmer months.