Facts you wanted to know about the impressive teak wood

There are many ways to decorate your home, including the outdoor area. You can paint the walls and give them an interesting color scheme. Or you can choose matching tiles for the floor. However, one of the most important things when decorating your home is choosing the right furniture. Fortunately, nowadays furniture can be found in all kinds of shapes, colors, sizes and made from a wide variety of materials. They are available in natural, classic and modern versions. Some are lighter, others darker and made of wood, plastic or metal. In terms of wooden furniture, that isimpressive teakHolzprobably the most popular type of wood. If you would like to find out more about tropical wood and its properties, then this article is for you. Here you will find important information about teak furniture.

Things you should know about teak wood

Tropical teak is basically a dense wood and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Furniture made from this wood requires little maintenance and can withstand a wide range of weather conditions. This is why it is so well suited for outdoor furniture. It is also known for its strength and natural resistance to water and decay. The furniture usually has a golden, brown or reddish color, but over time if the furniture is left untreated outside it turns gray.

The properties of teak

The impressive type of wood usually has a rough surface, but there are also furniture that have a smoother structure. It is also known that teak contains natural oil. Thanks to this property, it is waterproof and is ideal for making garden furniture. It is also resistant to pests and mold. The silicates contained in wood make it so strong.

Various uses of teak

TheTeak Holzcan be used for a variety of things. It is primarily used for shipbuilding because, as already mentioned, it is strong and waterproof. And because teak also looks great, it is often used to decorate houses. It is very suitable as floor covering for both indoor and outdoor areas. It is also interesting that some people even use them to build showers. Its use is known forGarden furniture.But the impressive teak is also used for shutters and cupboards. So if you are looking for garden furniture, teak is probably the best choice, especially due to its visual appearance and impressive durability. You also have a lot of choice: there are chairs, tables and even benches made of teak wood for the garden. Since teak furniture can withstand all weather conditions and lasts so long, you can be sure that it is worth investing in.

Kitchen situation with teak furniture

Furniture outTeak Holzcomes in a variety of shapes: as a cabinet, table, garden chair or deck chair.

Rustic teak dining table

Coffee table made from weatherproof tropical wood

Solid wood coffee table for your living room

Teak wood bench suitable for the garden