Hardworking Lieschen plants & maintain: everything you should know at a glance!

If you think about planting flowers in your garden, hardworking Lieschen (Impatiens Walleriana) is a great addition! These are one of the most popular one -year flowers because they have colorful flowers, are easy to care for and also thrive well in shady areas. In this article we describe how you can successfully plant and maintain Impatiens Walleriana.

The hardworking Lieschen comes from East Africa and belongs to the genus of the jumping herbs (Impatiens) in the family of balsamine plants (balsamic naceae). It has the ability to decorate every garden with its colorful flowers and can reach a height of 20 to 40 cm. The botanical name of the plant “Impatiens” comes from Latin and means translated “impatient”, which is also a hint on the seed capsules, which, as soon as they are ripe, burst immediately when touched.

Hardworking Lieschen flowering period: The flowers of Impatiens Walleriana open from May and form until October, whereby they climax in summer. Depending on the variety, the flowers are red, violet, orange, pink, pink or white and each have the name of the color they have. For example, Impatiens Walleriana “Accent Series” is divided into “Accent White”, “Accent Burgundy”, “Accent Violet Star”, etc. Other varieties are “Bellizzy Series”, “Florette Star Series”, “Impulse Series”. Different varieties like to cross and the result can be a surprising color mix.

Is hardworking Lieschen hardy?Impatiens Waleriana are sensitive to frost. Temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius can damage the plant. It is therefore important to plant them only when the last frosts are over.

Are hard -working liesen for several years?Due to its sensitivity, Impatia's Walleriana is almost always pulled as a one -year plant. However, if you want to spend the hardworking lies in the pot, you should keep in mind that you have to maintain it optimally from the second year to enjoy your beautiful flowers. For this reason, the one -year cultivation for hobby gardeners is often the more attractive option.

  • Tipp: If you still decide to hibernate hard -working liesen, place the plant at a light location with temperature between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius.

Which is the right location for Impatiens Walleriana

In nature, Impatiens Waleriana appears in shady and damp places. It is therefore important to choose a location for the hardworking Lieschen when planting in the garden or on the balcony, which meets the following conditions:

  • A partially shaded or bright shady location that is ideally protected from wind.
  • Places that are exposed to direct sunlight should definitely be avoided! The reason for this is that the flowers of their plant are then burned in the form of brown spots. In contrast, Impatiens Waleriana simply forms fewer flowers at a location that is too shady.
  • The hard -working liesen grows best in a well -permeable, humus -based soil, which is enriched with a calcareous, acidic substrate.

Tipp: If you plant hard -working lies on the balcony, an orientation to the west, east or north is ideal.

How do you choose balcony plants for shadows? You can do thatFind out here!

Planting hardworking - that's how it works!

Since hardworking liesen is very sensitive to frost, the best planting time after mid -May is. Most garden centers have a large selection of impatiens Walleriana varieties, sizes and flower colors. You can buy a mature, hanging hard -working lies and transplant at home or take seedlings - it depends on what you prefer.

If you transplant a ripe impacts Walleriana, dig a hole that is about twice the size of the root ball. If you use a bucket or hanging pot, make sure that they are big enough. Carefully place the plant on the floor. Ideally, the crown of the plant - where the trunk meets the roots - should be 5 cm below the surface. Cover the root ball with soil and carefully press it with your fingers. Add mulch around the base of the plant so that it can keep the moisture better. Pour daily and thorough after transplanting so that the roots can spread in the new earth.

When you bought seedsAnd want to encourage the plants to grow up, put them close to each other, about 15 cm apart. If you want to use you more as a ground cover, plant them at a larger distance, about 25 to 30 cm.

Impatiens Wallerianna properly maintain and pour

Pour: The hardworking lies is not tolerant to dryness, so it is important that you pour it regularly. You will quickly learn to do the feeling - just make sure that the earth is always damp. This applies in particular to hard -working liesen in hanging pots that you should water every day during the coming summer heat.

  • Notice: A warning sign that the plant does not get enough water are welcome leaves. But don't let it put you off!
    Impatiens Walleriana recovers quickly as soon as they water them.

Drainage: Since you already know that the plant needs a lot of water, it also needs a good drainage to avoid root rot that arises if the excess water cannot drain off.

  • If you plant impatients into a bucket or hanging pot, your task is relatively easy. Simply choose a well -permeable potting soil and make sure that you pour lightly every day.
  • However, if you put your plants in the ground, you first have to find out what kind of earth you have. If its earth is sandy, it dries out faster and has to be poured more often. However, you can enrich it with density, organic materials that nourish your plant and ensure that the soil stores more moisture.