Garden design and care – this is how it becomes stylish in the green

Finally it's that time again! The most beautiful season has arrived, the dark, rainy days are numbered and more and more people are heading outside. Anyone who has a house with a garden can count themselves lucky and spend this beautiful season in their own little paradise. However, this paradise does not initially look quite as it should be. A lot has happened over the winter, now it's time to get to work so that the garden can shine in all its glory again!

Garden design and care – what to do?

First of all, you should of course get an overview. If a little bit of work has already been done in the garden in spring or even winter, then a little finishing touches should be enough before you start thinking about what innovations can be used to beautify the garden this year. But the first priority is work that every garden owner should do:
Logical if you don't want it to be an overgrown meadow in your own garden. Of course, mowing the lawn once isn't enough; this needs to be done at least every two weeks - depending on the weather.
If the lawn doesn't shine as beautifully after mowing, then it could be due to too much moss. The only thing that helps is scarifying. Of course it may be that the lawn looks even worse than before, but with a little fertilizer and patience nothing will stand in the way of a beautiful green area.
Clean floor tiles
There are usually floor tiles on the terrace. These quickly become covered in weeds in the joints, which of course doesn't look nice. Moss also sometimes forms on these plates. This can be easily removed with a high-pressure cleaner and the weeds in the joints can be scraped out.
Pulling weeds
Before new flowers are bought and planted, the weeds must first be removed. All you have to do is get into the bed and weed it carefully.
Trim hedges
After autumn and winter, the trees and hedges certainly no longer look as beautiful as they did last year. So get the hedge trimmer and get rid of the unnecessary twigs and branches. But be careful: It is important to ensure that hedges cannot be cut all year round as birds could breed in them!

Once this basic work has been done, you can finally start beautifying it, so that the garden looks even more stylish this year than last year!

Garden design and care – creating beds

Now the question naturally arises as to what could be done to achieve a stylish beautification. The cheapest and easiest option is certainly to plant new flowers, but larger purchases and work can also beautify your own paradise, for example a newly created pond.

Flower or vegetable beds are a beautiful and not at all expensive eye-catcher. Vegetable beds in particular not only look beautiful in a corner of the garden, but also provide supplies for your own kitchen. But a flower bed also attracts attention; raised beds near the terrace, which people walk past to get to the lawn, are particularly beautiful.

Garden design and care – Decorate the garden with trees

Flowers are all well and good, but that's not always enough. Trees also belong in a stylish garden. For example, beautifying the garden with ornamental trees is one option. A wide variety of trees can be used, but birches and elms are particularly popular. These not only look good, but also offer a nice spot of shade in a hot summer. Of course, it takes a while before a tree like this is big enough for this, but even at one to two meters tall, it looks great in the garden and, thanks to its longevity, will continue to provide joy for years to come.

Lay paths

It also looks very nicesmall pathfrom the terrace into the garden to a garden shed or a possible pond. Laying the panels can also be done personally, you don't need a company - the work isn't all that easy, but there is the certainty that something has been achieved!

Garden design and maintenance – create a pond

Of course, this is quite a large job with certain costs. A small to medium-sized garden pond offers years of enjoyment and can be replanted every year and therefore individually designed.
Purchasing new garden furniture
First of all, it makes sense to get an overview of whether the old garden furniture is still in good shape or whether it is worth buying new one. New stylishGarden furnitureBut they can beautify your own garden enormously and of course do hardly any work - apart from the shopping trip.

Plant flowers for balcony in the shade