Plant flowers for balcony in the shade

Growing plants in shady areas is difficult, especially if they are on the north side. There is less light there and the warm rays of the sun are missing. None of our beloved summer flowers thrive in such an environment, which prevents them from blooming. No buds develop and if there are any, they turn yellow and fall off. If the shade is also accompanied by frequent winds, this is a further disadvantage, as the thin stems of most plants break. This makes you think that growing flowers for balconies is pointless.

What flowers for balcony love shade

There is no need to lose hope. Many garden centers stock a varietyPlants for shadeoffered that grow without any problems in the above-mentioned conditions and that you can therefore plant in the shade. You just have to know which ones and then find the ones that match the design of your balcony.

Hardworking Lieschen

The busy Lieschen is a plant of which there are many varieties. With them you can decorate the outdoor area by combining them with each other. And the best thing is that you don't even have to add any other plants. There are both monochromatic and multi-colored variants, with colors varying between red, various shades of pink, white and pink. The smaller varieties of these balcony flowers (Impatiens Walleriana) have light green leaves and flowers that are not so densely overgrown and are relatively small. They are characterized by a long-lasting, rich flowering period. The larger species (ImpatiensNeuguinea) have dark green leaves and large flowers that bloom in groups in one place. Many believe that these two variants of Lieschen are two different varieties. The hard-working and noble flowering plant blooms continuously throughout the summer.

Plant the begonia in a shady area

Most garden begonias are the balcony flowers that grow best in the shade, so you can easily plant them in the shade. So do thoseBegoniasemperflorens, of which there are varieties with dark red and grass-green, fleshy and shiny leaves. The flowers are small and bloom in red, pink or white. These plants are effective. You can put them together in different ways, provided you have large flower pots available.

Plant the lobelias in a shady outdoor area

The lobelia (Lobellia sp.) feels at home on an east or west balcony, a place where the sun shines for at least a few hours. It is an annual plant that has delicate leaves and small flowers in white, blue, purple and pink. Planting small plants in May will give you large expanses of flowers bursting with blooms by the end of the season.

The Juggler's Flower

The annual varieties of the juggler flower with cup-shaped flowers prefer the shade. You can also plant them in the shade. The flowers are particularly beautiful and delight in monochromatic tones or colorful, large-spotted nuances. They remind you of an exotic animal.

The fuchsias

You can enjoy the large and beautiful flowers of fuchsias for several years. The small shrub blooms profusely all year round and is also a plant that you can grow in shady places. In winter, it is recommended that you store it indoors in a well-lit, cool place with a temperature of around 7 to 8 degrees as it is not winter-proof. The fuchsias are dormant until February. They then form new leaves and buds. At this time it is good to cut the slightly longer branches so that the mass of leaves can expand until spring, creating a larger volume. You can put the plant outside between late April and early May.

Plant ferns

You can also plant ferns in shady areas and they will thrive in these conditions. They even see the shade as a real blessing and thrive particularly well for this reason. With their help you can even create a small jungle for yourself. Here are a few moreSpecies that live in the shadefeel good.

A combination of several plants

If you have more space or longer pots available, you can combine not only annual but also perennial plants. This is especially true for winter-hardy plants. Such combinations last one to two years, after which they have grown large enough to need to be repotted. Combine small junipers or arborvitae with vertical growth with smaller evergreen or deciduous plants, and plant annuals that bloom in summer in the empty spaces between them. Such combinations are extremely successful because the perennial plants can easily spend the winter outside. You can simply replace the places in between with new plants in spring and summer. This will give you a dynamic little shade garden that you can change its appearance to suit your needs every year.

The delicate fuchsia
