Garden fountains are a visual and acoustic delight - the water features attract birds and insects to the garden, offer refreshing coolness on hot summer days, the rippling water relaxes the soul and lets us dream of exotic islands and distant countries. In addition, applythe decorative fountains are real eye-catchersoutdoors - it's no wonder that the range of technical accessories in specialist retailers is larger than ever before. Even inexperienced hobby gardeners can easily master the installation of a water system. We'll show you 18 ideas on how you can build a garden fountain yourself - from household goods, garden accessories and natural materials. Let theInstructions inspire and createAn oasis of well-being in your own backyard!
Build your own garden fountain - wine barrel becomes an eye-catcher
The first patio fountain adds a rustic touch to the garden - the decorative cascade fountain was made from two old, waterproof vessels. The water feature made from natural materials blends harmoniously into the landscape as a decorative design element and automatically attracts attention. To build the garden fountain yourself, you need the following materials - two wooden barrels in different sizes, an antique-looking faucet as a gargoyle, pond liner for sealing, pond pump and hose. For the water flow you still need a direct connection to the power grid. Construction instructions: First you need onesuitable outdoor locationFind it, then lay it with paving stones so that the barrels are protected from sinking into the earth and from getting wet. Then place the two containers on top of each other and secure them with nails. Once the construction is finished, you can connect the pump to the gargoyle using the hose and then hide the power cable. Complete!