The days are getting shorter and the air is getting colder. Now that you won't be spending much time outside, it's time to find the right protection for youGarden furniture in winterto think about for the following months. Since the garden and terrace are becoming more and more popular and are an important part of the living area, most people have a lot of things that need to be stored. Even furniture that is waterproof or covered needs proper care and preparation. Take the time to provide your garden furniture with the right winter protection and you will be able to enjoy it in top shape in spring.
Proper cleaningfor the garden furniture in winter
The most important step in preparation is to thoroughly clean the garden furniture. Moisture and dirt on furniture can cause mold during the winter months. It forms and spreads quickly, leaving your furniture in poor condition by the time it is next used. Furniture made of wicker, welded steel, fabric or plastic can be easily cleaned with ordinary dishwashing detergent and water solution.
For wooden furniture you can use oil soap and water. Rinse the furniture well afterwards and let it dry completely. If there are stains that are difficult to remove, mix 1 cup ammonia, 1/2 cup vinegar, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 gallon water. To treat the stains, use a soft brush, rinse and allow the furniture to dry thoroughly. If possible, remove such stains now so that you don't have any problems with them in the spring.
The seat cushions also need to be cleaned well before “hibernation”. If you have fabric upholstery, prepare a solution of 1/2 cup Lysol and 1 gallon hot water and use a soft brush to clean. Rinse the upholstery well and allow it to dry. More stubborn stains can be easily removed with a solution of 1/2 cup bleach and 3.8 liters of water. But first try it out in an inconspicuous place.
Apply a coating as protection for theGarden furniture in winteron. After they are clean, an additional coating is a good winter protection for the garden furniture to protect it from dirt over the winter months. Furniture made of aluminum or plastic can be treated with car wax, and wicker furniture can be treated with furniture wax. Check metal furniture for rust spots and remove them with a wire brush. Then spray the areas with a silicone sealant.
Protective covers as additional featuresprotection for the garden furniture in winter
Protective cases are ideal for additional protection for theGarden furniture in winterfrom external influences, even if you store the garden furniture in a garage or shed. The covers come in different sizes and weights, depending on whether you store the furniture indoors or just cover it. There are different types of covers for winter protection for garden furniture:
- Chair covers. They cover well nested chairs. It is best to choose those made of polyester with reinforced corners and edges. If you want to use the case outside, it should definitely be waterproof and protect against UV rays.
- Sofa/bench covers. This should also be waterproof. For better protection from wind, this protective cover should have a cord or, even better, buckle straps at the bottom for better fastening. Different colors are often offered.
- Protective covers for the entire table set. It is perfect for covering the table and chairs. They come in different sizes and also have a string to tighten them.
Take good care of your garden furniture so that you can enjoy it for years to come.