With its large flower buds and delicate flowers, it is not only a real eye-catcher in the garden, hydrangeas in the vase are also real eye-catchers. They usually stay fresh longer than other cut flowers and are fairly undemanding. But what if the hydrangeas suddenly become limp and turn green-yellow? We give several tips to help cut flowers stay fresher for longer.
Keeping hydrangeas fresh in the vase: tips against limp flowers
No matter whether from your own garden or from the flower shop: hydrangeas are among the most beautiful cut flowers. They give the room a romantic touch. Anyone who hopes that the hydrangeas will stay fresh for about a week will often be disappointed. Just after two or three days they let their heads hang, wither and diePetals fall off. The reason for this is quite simple - the flower secretes a sticky substance that seals the interface. The reason for this is very simple - this is actually how the hydrangea tries to protect itself from bacteria and fungi. But it cannot absorb water and withers. You can prevent it with these tips:
Cut hydrangeas correctly and preserve them with boiling water
- Fill a bucket with lukewarm water and take it with you in the garden.
- Cut off the flowers early in the morning. Use a sharp knife or sharp and clean pruning shears.
- Choose only old flowers and leave the half-open flowers or buds. The longer a flower has been on the bush, the longer it will last as a cut flower in the vase.
- Place the flowers in the bucket immediately after cutting them.
- Then you can fill lukewarm water into a vase at home.
- Remove as many leaves as possible. This means no water is used to feed the leaves.
- Shorten the stems and cut them diagonally so that the cutting surface is as large as possible.
- Boil water and leave for half a minute and put the stems (dip only the cut ends) into the water. This way you can prevent the flowers from secreting the sticky substance and thereby sealing the interface.
- Place the flowers in the vase immediately after the hot bath in boiling water.
Hydrangea has green flowers
You put the beautiful blue hydrangea flowers in the vase, but after two days they turn green? When the hydrangeas wither or wither, their flowers turn green.
Keep ball hydrangea and panicle hydrangea fresh in the vase
Hydrangeas with double flowers, such as the ball hydrangea variety “You & Me” and somePanicle hydrangea varieties needmore water than other cut flowers and therefore wilt more quickly. To prevent this, you can keep the flowers fresh with a simple trick. In the evening, fill the kitchen sink with water and submerge the flowers in the water. It is important that the flowers are completely covered with water, as hydrangeas can absorb water through the flowers. Leave the flowers in the water for half an hour (if they spend too long in the water they will change color). Then carefully take them out.
Hydrangeas in the vase: Useful care tips
Proper care also plays a major role in ensuring that the hydrangeas stay fresh for longer.
- If you buy cut flowers: When buying, make sure that the flowers are in water and look as fresh as possible. If they have partially turned green, they will wilt quickly. Do not buy buds or half-open flowers.
- Choose a suitable vase so that the hydrangeas have enough space and do not crowd each other.
- Clean the vase thoroughly before and after each use.
- The vase should only be half full. Remove fallen leaves or petals from the water daily.
- Change the vase water every two days. Add freshener to the water (optional).
- Cut the stems diagonally at the bottom so that they can absorb water better.
- Place the vase in a bright but sunny place in the room. Side and coffee tables near the window are ideal. The sunny windowsill with radiators under it is not suitable.
- Do you have a bowl full of delicious seasonal fruit? Certain fruits such as apples, pears, peaches and plums release ethylene. Ethylene can reduce the wilting processspeed up for cut flowers. So place the vase with the hydrangeas as far away as possible from the bowl of fruit.