Oleander loses flowers: What can you do if the buds don't open and the leaves droop?

The oleander is a beautiful exotic that feels particularly comfortable in the pot on the terrace and balcony and thanks you with a wonderful display of flowers. For many hobby gardeners it is a nasty surprise when the leaves droop and the bush suddenly loses its buds. Is your oleander losing flowers? That could be the reason.

The oleander loses flowers: why is that?

If the oleander is not blooming, you should ask yourself several questions. Did you plant or repot the shrub this year? Have you perhaps changed the location? Is the exotic car protected from rain and wind? Was there a thunderstorm or an exceptionally long heat wave? Have you stopped fertilizing? How does she look?Plant - it has yellow leavesor does she look healthy? Has it formed buds but they don't open, or are there no buds at all? We list several possible reasons why the oleander does not produce flowers.

Oleander buds do not open: Incorrect location and care

If the oleander has formed buds but they are not opening, then it could be in the wrong location. The oleander prefers full sun, but needs protection from wind and rain. Even if it has been comfortable in the same place on the terrace or balcony for years and has bloomed magnificently there, the following changes could have a negative effect on the flowering:

1. Other trees, shrubs and perennials shade the shrub.

Other shrubs and trees have grown vigorously in the last year and are shading the oleander.

The oleander develops a very wide root system. It may be that other plants in the bed crowd it out. Or the bucket has become too small for him.

2. Fearing that the oleander received too much water, you reduced the watering

The exotic is actually one of the few shrubs that can cope well with wet soil. However, it becomes problematic if the watering is too little. The oleander needs a lot of water during the flowering period.

3. Overfertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer

If the oleander grows near the lawn and the lawn has been supplied with nitrogen fertilizer, this can lead to over-fertilization. Nitrogen fertilizers promote the growth of leaves and shoots and not the development of the root system or the formation of flowers.

Too often grooming cutsDo: If you cut the oleander too often, this can stress the bush. Stressed bushes produce significantly fewer flowers.

Oleander loses flowers and has black buds: signs of oleander canker and what you can do

Signs of oleander canker are wilted, dry and broken flower buds that turn black and fall off when touched. The Pseudomonas bacteria are to blame. Cuts are the entry points for these pathogens. Always prune the shrub on sunny days, using only clean and dry secateurs and cutting the shoots at an angle to prevent water from collecting on the cuts.

Incorrect watering can also promote the infestation. Always water the plant from below. Place them away from the rain; the leaves should remain dry. Plant the oleander so that it is far away from the impact sprinkler and water sprinkler.

Check plants frequently for signs of the disease and promptly cut off any diseased leaves and buds. Then dispose of all diseased plant parts with household waste. The smoke from burning oleander is poisonous, so you should never put the shoots, buds and leaves into the fire. You can also check the condition of the soil and repot or transplant the shrub if the nitrogen content is too high. Place the diseased plant at least 2 meters away from other plants. Try to water and fertilize the oleander properly.

The flowers dry up and fall off: Oleander has dry rot, what to do?

Dry rot is caused by the fungus Asochyta. The fungal disease first becomes noticeable on the flowers. These dry up and then fall off. The disease then spreads and affects more and more parts of the plant until the main shoots also dry out. The disease spreads particularly quickly when there is more rain or thunderstorms in summer. Also older bushes with a dense growth.As with all diseasesThe first measure is also very important here: all affected parts of the plant are cut off.

You can also treat the cuts with fungicide as a preventive measure. In the garden center you can also buy special anti-fungal sprays that will prevent further spread.

Oleander has limp leaves: sunburn

Admittedly, the shrub is a real sun worshipper, but if its flowers suddenly start to droop and its leaves start to sag, then it could be due to sunburn. Because too much of a good thing can also cause damage. If the oleander leaves are drooping, move the plant to a sunny spot for a day.