DieHydrangea careis actually very simple. This is a plant with hundreds of flowers. Beautiful, colorful, large leaves, interesting appearance – all this makes this flower the most popular among gardeners.
DieHortensie(Hydrangea), belongs to a family of plants that has more than 100 members. They are very diverse, there are straight-growing varieties, those that climb, evergreen and cold-resistant, hydrangeas – dwarf, or giant. They come from the Himalayas, North or South America, Central and East Asia.
Hydrangea care – tips and tricks for beginners
DieHydrangea careis easy. The flower has large oval leaves, with jagged edges. The flowers are characteristic. They have small flowers in the middle and larger leaves on the edges. The colors are pink, purple blue, red. There are also white and cream colored hydrangeas, or those that are bicolored. It is interesting to know that the color of these flowers depends on the quality of the soil. Hydrangea flowers are pink when the soil has an alkaline content and blue when it is acidic.
Hydrangea care – which soil?
OneHydrangea careis easy. She has endurance and does not need any special conditions. It prefers loamy soils that are rich in nutrients, neutral and non-acidic. Alkaline soil is not recommended because it can cause disease.
Hydrangea care requires water. Depending on the type of plant, it needs more or less sun. Flowers that are protected from the wind grow best.
Pruning hydrangeas – when and how
The majority of hydrangeas need to be pruned often. But you don't have to overdo it. So that the plant can always delight you with its flowers, take care and remove the dead flowers until the first and healthy new flowers appear. If the branches are too dense, you could cut some old ones. But be careful - if you prune the plant, contact with the skin could cause skin irritation.
Hydrangeas in different colors
The hydrangea propagates by seeds in spring. Its appearance is varied. They look very beautiful, in groups or alone. Depending on the size, they could stand alone or decorate your home with other species. Hydrangea care is worth it, especially for the climbing species, which are remarkable. You could combine different varieties of this plant and use them as decorations in the house.
The most commonly encountered hydrangeas are spherical with large flowers. They came to Europe in the 18th century from Japan. Much to our regret, they loved the warmth too much and should initially only be grown as houseplants. Later came different types of flowers that were also suitable for outdoor use.
The most famous hydrangea species
Most commonly encountered:
H. macrophylla, H. horticula – this is a bush that is bright green and has spherical flowers. This species has many representatives – Quadricolor, Grandiflora, Lilacina. Perfecta, Nigra and Altona.
H. Panculata – it is very beautiful, has large pyramid-shaped flowers. At first they are whitish, then their color becomes much more intense. They grow quickly and this hydrangea care will look easy on you. The most common species are Unique, Floribunda, Granifora, White Moth.
H. arborescens - the flower has large white - creamy flowers that bloom from May to September and grow more than 2.5 m.
H. serrata – the flowers are large and round. Bleeds from early summer to late fall. Loves the sun and reaches a height of up to 1.2 m.
How to color the hydrangeas blue
H. aspera sargentiana, H. villosa – it impresses with soft, light green leaves that are up to 30 centimeters in diameter. The inner flowers are purple, surrounded by light pink rings. TheLove beesthese flowers and visit them often. The real beauty of this plant is revealed in summer. The size ranges up to 4 meters.
H. anomala petiolaris – is a climbing species. Loves the shade. It blooms briefly - only for a few weeks, but its green leaves make it attractive enough until the end of the season.
H. Quercifolia – the leaves of this bush, which is over 2 meters tall, are reminiscent of a tree. In winter they look purple and Beaurdox. Blooms in summer – white.
DieHydrangea carehas many options. If the soil in your garden is neutral and you want your flowers to turn from purple to blue, then add sulfur or aluminum sulfate to the soil. This could result in your shrubbery blooming half pink, half blue. Another ancient method of growing blue hydrangeas is to bury old roasted nails near their roots.