The pretty Ikebana flower art – history and different styles

The pretty Ikebana is the oneJapanese traditional artof flower arranging. It literally means “living flowers”, has a symbolic character and is used for decoration. ThisIkebana floral artis also considered a type of meditation. Ancient Chinese wisdom says that the art of Ikebana represents a connection between the human spirit and nature. Each Ikebana reflects the inner peace, feelings and sensations of the maker.

In the 6th century, Buddhism came to China and with it the custom of offering flowers to Buddha and the souls of the deceased. In the 17th century, Ikebana officially became an art form, regardless of religion. The first teachers were clergy and the students were aristocrats. Many schools emerged in which arranging was taught and over time theIkebana Blumenkunstalso accessible to the middle class. These included samurais and rich merchants, as well as women. The founder of the first school of Ikebana was a priest from Rokkakudo Temple in Kyoto. His works were so wonderful that even other clergy sought his advice.

The pretty Ikebana – What styles are there?

There are three main types:

  • Upright ones
  • Standing at an angle
  • Falling downwards like a waterfall

The Ikebana Flower Art – The Rikka Style

At the beginning it existedIkebana Blumenkunstfrom a simple composition of three stems. One of them was the central and longer stem, to which two more and shorter ones were added. At the beginning of the 17th century, however, the Rikka, which means “upright flowers”, was created in the Buddhist Ikenobo school and is made up of seven main lines. This required good technical ability. Tall bronze vases were used. The main element symbolizes the sky and is arranged asymmetrically, pointing to the left or right. Later it assumes a vertical and central position. The many other branches, each with its own symbolic meaning and decorative function, are arranged in the center to form the core of an original sphere. Rikka is a microcosm that represents the entire universe in the form of a natural image. Its main elements are of important importance for the later forms of Ikebana. They are asymmetry, spatial depth and symbolism.

The Ikebana flower art – Chabana

The exact opposite of Rikka is the simpler form Chabana (tea flowers). This style originated in the 16th century as part of tea ceremonies. It consists of one or two branches or flowers arranged in a small container.

The Nageire also emerged from the Chabana. It means something like “insert”. In this style, few elements are arranged in a tall vase. It is also characterized by a simpler and looser composition.

The Rikka and Nageire determine the subsequent development of theIkebana Blumenkunst. On the one hand, the complicated technique, the swing of the composition, the symbolism and the strict styles are important, on the other hand the spontaneity, the simplicity, the ambiguity and the respect for the natural character of the elements.

Ikebana flower art – other styles

However, as the Rikka became more rigid and formal, a new, simpler style emerged. He calls himself Seika or Shoka, from the Chinese “living flowers”. This style is more official and consists of 3 branches arranged to create a triangle figure. Many schools impose their styles, but the three branches are known as Ten (Heaven), Chi (Earth), and Jin (Human).

The pretty one was built in the 19th centuryIkebana floral artcalled Moribana. While in other styles the individual elements are arranged together in one place, Moribana uses various tools to distribute the individual elements in a flat vessel. Such vessels are called Suiban. Kensani are also used. They represent a cushion of needles to which the flowers and plants are attached. In Moribana, landscapes can be designed in a natural way and not in a symbolic way, as with the other styles. Stones and minerals can be used. This style allows free imagination, but is more specific and complicated than the Nageire.

Ikebana flower art – Jiyuka and Bunjinbana

Another style is Jiyuka. This means “free-falling flowers”. This style has no rules regarding composition. Jiyuka is mainly about showcasing the maker's artistic skills and creativity, as well as their idea of ​​beauty. Here too, the use of all kinds of materials is permitted.

The Bunjinbana is a form arranged by writers. It reflects the sensitivity of Chinese students and artists. The Japanese style of Bunjinbana has a great influence on the Nageire. This style ofIkebana Blumenkunstis intended to express personal feelings, therefore it has no religious character. It only serves the occasion. Arranging is very different from the official Rikka or Seika.

Ikebana flower art can also be arranged at home

The Nageire is considered the lightest style of all. Therefore, you can easily arrange beautiful Ikebana at home by sticking to this style. Everything you need for theIkebana Blumenkunstneed is:

  • A tall vase with a narrow neck
  • A branch that you use as a support by placing it in the center of the vase in the shape of a cross. This branch may be from a vine or a young branch of a tree.
  • Choose three of your favorite flowers. They should have different lengths.
  • The longest flower should always be on the side of your left shoulder. The other two are arranged so that the flowers face upwards.