Use evergreen climbing plants for interior design

Plants create an enchanting atmosphere not only in the garden, but also in the rooms. If you want to add a little romance to it, climbing plants are a suitable idea. You can let evergreen climbing plants climb around the room for pots, creating an interesting, decorative effect and bringing nature into the house at the same time.

Let evergreen climbing plants trail through the room

Use boring furniture, plain walls, columns or room dividers to decorate them with climbing plants. We would like to introduce you to some of these design ideas in more detail, as well as some suitable plants that you can use for this purpose. Evergreen climbing plant species also come in flowering form, giving you the choice. Feel free to combine several with each other. How to attach a climbing plant to the wallwe show in this article.

For sunny locations – passionflower

The passionflower, a flowering evergreen climbing plant, impresses with its attractive and fragrant flowers. It likes a bright location and can also be in the sun all day. However, it also requires a lot of water, although waterlogging should be avoided. The climbing plant grows very quickly and is therefore well suited for quickly designing rooms.

Vining porcelain flower

Porcelain flowers are also evergreen climbing plants with flowers. The flowers are no less impressive than those of the passion flower. However, this specimen must not be left in the blazing sun. Frequent changes of location should be avoided for successful flowering. The same applies to waterlogging, as this is harmful to the flowering climbing plant.

Evergreen climbing plants – plant ivy plants

The ivy plant not only needs a climbing aid, but also your help with climbing from time to time. On the wall, you can point these evergreen climbing plants in the right direction with supporting nails. Its maximum height of 20 meters allows you to decorate a large area with it. The plant is very easy to care for and is also suitable for beginners.

Zebra herb with colorful leaves

You can ensure interesting colors if you choose zebra herb. The leaves, some of which are green, also have purple patterns and have a great charisma. Climbing plants that are evergreen and fast-growing like these require a lot of light, but only a little direct sun and moderate amounts of water. Always allow the soil to dry out before watering again.

Ivy as a houseplant

Ivy is one of the classics when it comes to climbing plants. And the great news is that the plant can also be grown as a houseplant. Choose a bare wall to decorate with ivy or any trellis. Room dividers, for example, are very suitable if you want to grow ivy.

Other suitable climbing plants

– Philodendron climbing
– Purpurtute
– Zierspargel
– Antarctica
– Climbing candlestick flower
– Tradeskantie
– Climbing nasturtiums
– Ghost plant
– Russian wine


Some climbing plants cannot cling to a wall on their own and therefore require a climbing aid. This can look very different. Ready-made trellises or trellises are available to purchase. You can also improvise and attach wires or rods between the ceiling and floor to support evergreen climbing plants. You can also use nails on which you simply place the stems. If you bend the nails upwards, you can securely enclose the stems.

Trellis made from a net

This modern staircase was decorated with a simple fishing net. The wide area can accommodate various plants and is perfect not only for modern but also for maritime furnishing styles. Such a net can also be hung directly on the wall.

Plants for the wall

Evergreen climbing plants with adhesive roots can also climb directly up the wall without help. Ivy is one of these plants. This variant of the design using climbing plants looks particularly nostalgic because it is reminiscent of old house facades, only now they bring the romantic atmosphere into the house.

Decorate furniture

A really impressive idea is this dining table that you can even build yourself or at least have made. The table legs and frame are made of metal rods of any shape and serve as a climbing aid. Evergreen climbing plants can climb so wonderfully. The idea can also be used for other pieces of furniture.

Beautiful climbing plants

In principle, you can use a wide variety of objects as climbing aids. In this room, for example, a ladder serves this purpose. It can be leaned against the wall and be of any height. This depends on the maximum height of the plant. Evergreen climbing plants are not at all picky when it comes to climbing aid.

Decorate kitchen

Make your kitchen even cozier by growing evergreen climbing plants throughout the room. Choose a wall and hang string or very thin wire that is barely visible. It seems as if the plants are growing on their own through the air or along a wall. You can also form any shape with the plant like this.

Let it hang

If some plants don't have a climbing aid, simply let their stems hang down. You can use this to your advantage if you want to design high areas with plants. Here, for example, a high wall behind a spiral staircase was planted. Evergreen climbing plants grow sympathetically downwards.

In flower pots for the wall

The same idea can also be used for smaller flower pots that are attached to the wall or for hanging pots. This means you get a double decoration, especially if the container has an original shape. Think carefully beforehand whether you want the plants to grow upwards or let them hang down. Later it will be difficult to thread them into a trellis.

Idea for the bedroom

If there is no space for many plants in the bedroom, you can also implement the idea of ​​hanging climbing plants there. Use the closet to place a plant and let the leaves and stems decorate the side wall of the closet. When purchasing evergreen climbing plants, find out which plants are suitable.

Wall design in the bedroom

Or you can simply decorate the wall with a climbing plant again. Choose evergreen climbing plants with adhesive roots and don't wait long for the bare wall to be taken over by the plants. This way you always ensure purified air in the room and feel closer to nature while relaxing.

Plants for rooms with high walls

Do you have very high walls that you can't do anything with? Set up planters and attach long trellises. You have already created the necessary foundation for evergreen climbing plants. The plants will quickly take over the wall. With a flowering climbing plant, you will also enjoy colorful flowers. When choosing a plant, be sure to consider the lighting conditions you can guarantee.