Various things are stacked upTiegeland also fromMost women have more than enough products in theirbathroom cabinet. And some people also like to try out the latest and most promising beauty gadgets. Too much care can irritate the skin and damage its protective barrier. But it's a wholespecial product, which you see in many bathrooms, and the Dr. Lela Ahlemann, expert and specialist in dermatology and aesthetic medicine, is a real thorn in the side. Because it distorts self-perception.
"Away with the 'drama queens'!"
On Instagram she appeals to her followers: “If it's about judging your attractiveness or the complexion of your skin, then do me a favor and leave out the 'drama queens' under the mirrors. And these are themMagnifying mirror.” According to Dr. Ahlemann, this supposed beauty aid dramatizes everything - small wrinkles, pores, impurities... things that you can't see at all with the naked eye and that have no influence on your appearance.
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Dr. Ahlemann lives by the credo: “If you want to judge your aesthetics, then please only judge what you can see1-2 hand lengths distancecan recognize.” Everything else is just “drama”.
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There is an exception for the magnifying mirror
However, there is one exception: if you have conspicuous orsuspects Skin changesIf you want to look at it, you should do so with a magnifying mirror if necessary. And we think: also forEyebrow pluckingthe “Drama Queen” can serve you well.