The orchid Phalaenopsis is characterized, among other things, by its thick, shiny and green leaves, which protrude majestically from the pot. Changes to a single sheet, such as when theOrchids yellow leavesDoes not always mean a care error or that the orchids are affected by diseases or pests. It is a natural process when these plants shed older leaves. However, if the leaves of orchids become wrinkled and develop grooves, there may be reasons for this. And you should recognize these in order to fix the problem. We explain what can be the cause of orchid leaves becoming soft and shriveling.
Why do orchid leaves shrivel?
First of all, if the leaves of orchids shrivel (usually all of them gradually), this has to do with the water supply. The only question is – is she getting too much or too little water? In both cases, orchid leaves can become wrinkled.
So if all or several orchid leaves are shriveled, you can assume that incorrect care is the cause. However, if you notice that the bottom or two orchid leaves are leathery, it may be the normal process of shedding the old leaf, as we mentioned earlier.
Orchids have shriveled leaves due to drought
What happens if you don't provide the plant with enough moisture? The roots simply can no longer direct enough water to the leaves. This in turn causes the pressure in the leaf cells to decrease and the orchid leaves become limp. The solution is to water the plant immediately. If you wait too long, the roots will dry out and no longer be able to absorb moisture. If during the flowering phase theBuds also fall off, you can assume that lack of water is the reason for wilted leaves on the orchid.
The orchid has shriveled leaves due to overwatering
How is it that two opposite care errors cause one and the same symptoms, i.e. the orchid leaves become shriveled in both? Well, if you overwater the orchid, this will also damage the roots - they will rot and then no longer be able to direct water to the leaves. Paradoxically, the leaves dry out due to too much moisture - which is why orchids also get shriveled leaves.
Diseases, pests and location?
Soft, wilted leaves on orchids can also occurDiseases and pestscaused, although this occurs in rare cases. Then just act according to the disease or type of pest and treat the plant.
The wrong location is also a possible cause of orchid leaves becoming shriveled. On the one hand, strong sunlight causes the leaves to wilt. Temperature fluctuations of over 5 degrees per day also mean stress for the plant, so in this case you should choose a more suitable location with a temperature that is as constant as possible.
So, your orchids have shriveled leaves – what could you do? Since in both cases the problems with the roots cause the orchids' leaves to shrivel, you can also use these to determine what you should change. Take a look at the roots:
Reduce watering if orchid leaves are shriveled
Are they rotten?, reduce the watering or check the planter for backwater. If backwater turns out to be the problem, you can replace the planters with transparent ones. Then you can always keep an eye on whether excess water has collected and needs to be removed. You should also take immediate action by removing the plant from its substrate and allrotten rootsremove. Then you should repot the orchids and plant them in fresh, dry substrate. Do not water/dip again until after 2 weeks. By removing the rotten roots, you prevent the process from spreading to the roots that are still intact.
Increase humidity
The roots are no longer fresh and green, but...look dry(grayish-white), increase the watering again. First of all, immerse the plant thoroughly in warm water until you see that the roots have a nice green color again. In order for the plant to recover well, it is important to act as soon as possible. In the future, also make sure to provide the plant with sufficient moisture.
If the dry air is the reason the orchid leaves are wrinkled, you could also distribute a few bowls of water around the plants. This way toothe important aerial rootsmoisturized. If the plant is near a heater, you will benefit from changing the location. Can't tell when you should dive again? If you take the plant out of the planter and it is very light, this is a sign that it is already very dry and needs water.