The flowers make it one of the most popular houseplants: the orchid fascinates with its exotic beauty and amazes us with its delicate flowers. It is all the more annoying when the flower forms a lot of buds and then they suddenly turn yellow and fall off. Your orchid buds are not opening and you are wondering what to do? We list possible causes and explain what you can do.
Orchid buds do not open: Possible causes
Every orchid owner is happy when his flower forms numerous buds. However, if the flowering period does not start as planned and the buds do not open at all or if they barely open and then turn yellow and fall off, then this is of course very annoying. Even more so - if the cause is not found, you have to wait months until the next flowering period.
If the buds do not open: lack of light
The orchid has formed many buds. These are also light green in color and actually look fresh. But they don't open. The reason for this could be a lack of light. The orchids need a lot of light and the winter sun cannot provide the necessary energy. If there is a lack of resources and nutrients, the plant stops producing flowers. A sunny windowsill with a western or southern orientation proves to be optimal. It is best to open the window rarely or not at all. Because the sensitive exotic animal cannot withstand drafts at all.
What you can do to ensure thatOrchid budsopen: open curtains or drapes. Rotate the plant so that the leaves receive as much sunlight as possible. However, you should under no circumstances change the location, as this could have a negative effect on the plant. The stress can cause buds to drop and leaves to turn yellow.
Immediately after the end of the flowering period, the orchid's requirements change. During the rest period it should be in a shaded and darker place than usual.
The orchid does not bloom: dried aerial roots
The orchid absorbs nutrients not only through the root balls, but also through the aerial roots. Especially in winter, the humidity in the rooms decreases. You can counteract this by misting the plant regularly or placing wet river stones in the saucer. These will gradually release moisture and protect the aerial roots from drying out. You should also make sure that the warm air from the radiator does not rise up the exotic. So it's best not to place it directly over the heater.
Fertilized incorrectly during the growth phase? The orchid buds then fall off
Fertilizers during the growth phase provide useful nutrients without which the orchid cannot bloom. Apply special orchid fertilizer when the plant forms its first flower bud. From this point on it needs economical but regular fertilization. It is best to add liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water every two weeks.
Did you leave the orchid in the immersion bath for too long? The flower buds turn yellow
A dip in rainwater once a week: most types of orchids don't need more to open their flowers. However, if you leave the plant in the immersion bath for longer than 15 - 20 minutes, you risk waterlogging. It leads to the formation of rot and can severely damage the plant. When the roots are no longer able to absorb water and the plant dies. The first signs of such problems are
Special case of Cymbidium orchids: Buds fall off at temperatures above 15° Celsius
The demanding Cymbidium orchids are a special case. They form plenty of buds, but these only open when the temperature in the room is below 15° Celsius. This type of orchid is very sensitive to temperature differences. It is therefore best to place them in an unheated winter garden.
If the buds do not open and the flowering period is coming to an end, you should cut them off. Proceed similarly to dead orchids and remove the buds and stems.
If the flower buds turn yellow and fall off, you can also cut back the stems. If this happens during the flowering period, you may be able to encourage a second flower formation. AfterEnd of flowering periodhelp the plant save energy. It needs all the nutrients it can find to grow new leaves and prepare for dormancy in late summer.
Repot orchids: Be sure to do so after the end of the flowering period
What you should definitely not do is repot the orchid. This stresses the plant and it sheds its flowers to save resources. The buds will certainly not open if you change the substrate. It is best to wait until the flowering period is over (even if the orchid has not produced any flowers during this time) and then change the substrate.