The orchids have withered – what now? We explain what is necessary for a second flowering & the rest phase

Anyone who has decided to decorate their home with the beautiful Phalaenopsis orchid is of course also interestedproper orchid care. While the flower doesn't require much at first, the first questions soon arise: how can you fertilize it and what if the flowers fall off prematurely? Will the plant bloom again at some point and if so, what do you have to do about it? You can find the answers to these questions in our links below. In this article, however, we would like to explain what to do after flowering. So, your orchids have faded – what now?

Orchids faded – what do you do next?

You can easily pluck off a single wilted orchid flower. Everyone else is allowed to continue decorating the plant. But the big question is what happens when all the orchid flowers have withered. Two possible processes can occur after flowering: either the flower goes into hibernation or a second flowering occurs. In both cases, you can support the orchid and adjust the care accordingly.

The Phalaenopsis orchid has faded – what do you do for a second bloom?

Usually you should cut off the withered flower stems of the orchids.BUT: Don't be too quick with this, because it could be on this very stemPlant buds againand thus sprout flowers. Therefore, you should only cut back a piece of the orchid's flower stem, if at all. It's best to leave the stem untouched and just wait.

Orchid withers - where to cut it?

If this stem without flowers bothers you, you can cut off the branched part. However, it is important that you choose the right place when you cut back the stem of the orchid: If you look at it a little closer, you will notice the so-called eyes. A new shoot could appear from one of these eyes. Therefore, cut above the top eye.

If this stem turns yellow, brown or dries up over time, you can cut it off completely. By the way, the plant doesn't just sprout any flowers in this way. You can even create little ones in this way, which you can then remove and plant in their own pot as soon as they have developed their own roots.

Orchids have faded: tips for optimal hibernation

It doesn't matter if you have a second onepromote floweringor you want to put the plant into the important resting phase, the way you care for orchids should change in some ways after flowering. During the day, the plant can remain in its usual location - light to partially shaded and warm. Between April and October, direct midday sun is a bad idea. The plant can only tolerate it in the evening or morning at most. Are the leaves turning yellow? This could be a sign of strong sunlight.
Notice: If a lower, older leaf turns yellow, this is a normal aging process and nothing to worry about.

It should now be a little cooler at night. Try to lower the temperature by at least 5 degrees, but without letting it fall below 16-18 degrees. This works particularly well in a bedroom, where such temperatures are recommended for healthy sleep anyway. A cool bathroom window is also suitable.

Also reduce watering. During the active phase you usually water every two weeks, sometimes even every week. In winter or during the rest phase, once a month is usually sufficient. If you're not sure, test it by removing the pot from the planter. Is it very light? Then the plant needs water.

Stop fertilizing every two weeks. During the dormant phase, the plant does not need any additional nutrients.BUT: If a new flower shoot appears during this time, takethe fertilizer application again, because then the orchid needs sufficient strength. Although orchids should not be watered/dipped as frequently after blooming, that doesn't mean they don't still need moisture. For this reason, you should continue to spray their leaves and aerial roots with water regularly.

Orchid has faded, now what? Time to repot!

The substrate must be renewed every 2-3 years as it decomposes over time. At first you probably don't need a new and larger pot. Only if the roots have become too long and too numerous should you give the Phalaenopsis a larger container. The bestTime for repottingis just when the flowers have faded. So if you have noticed that the substrate is no longer good, wait until the orchids have bloomed and then you can get started.

We will explain whether you can repot the orchid while it is bloomingin this article.