How do peonies last longer in a vase? Our tips guarantee a long flowering period

Peonies are without question one of the most beautiful flowers ever.Anyone who loves cut flowers, surely waits impatiently every year for her season to enjoy a beautiful bouquet of peonies in a vase and give the apartment a particularly romantic atmosphere. But if you really want to enjoy your bouquet for a long time, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Because you can extend the blooming time of cut flowers with a few simple tips. So, how do peonies last longer in the vase?

How to make peonies last longer in a vase – simple tips & tricks

Caring for peonies in the vase – cut and prune correctly

Regardless of whetherfrom the gardenor flower shop, the right peonies for the vase are those whose buds are soft and where a little of the flower color is already visible. Only then will peonies bloom in the vase. If they are still completely green and unopened, they will no longer open in the vase. Also, only cut off the sturdy stems. Then, if possible, leave the flowers in a dark place for a while (especially if it is already very warm outside). This makes the flowers look fresher.

Anyone who often has cut flowers at home knows that everything has to do with itcorrect cutthe stem begins. This is necessary so that the water can flow freely from the vase over the stems to the flowers. Cut the tips of the stems diagonally. If you want, you can make an additional cut further up. It is also important that no leaves are in the water, otherwise rot will occur. For this reason, you should remove the deeper ones.

Bathe flowers

Another trick to make peonies last longer in the vase is to bathe them. Fill a small tub, washing bowl (so that the flowers can lie in it) or, if necessary, a bucket with cold waternot ice coldWater. Dip the flowers in it. In this way, they will be saturated with abundant moisture and the flowering period will be extended.

How to keep peonies in a vase – the right container

Also that oneContainer is importantto guarantee a longer flowering period. Whether you want to display the peonies in a vase, a jug, a bottle or another container, they should all be done firstdarkbe. That doesn't mean that transparent glass is not possible, but it should at least be dark glass. This way the water stays fresh longer and doesn't spoil. Also pay attention to stability! A bouquet of peonies will be quite heavy and should be able to be held easily by the vase.

Furthermore, the container shouldsufficiently largeand by that we specifically mean the scope. Peonies don't like it crowded. Therefore, make sure that the buds or flowers only touch each other lightly. Thecorrect depthalso plays an important role. The stems should be able to stand 3/4 in water.

The water

The water should be lukewarm.Rainwater is bestSuitable for the peonies in the vase, but if you don't have any available, regular tap water will also work. If desired, also add sugar or boric acid (200 ml for a liter of water) to extend the shelf life.

How do peonies last longer in the vase – the right location

The peonies in the vase should neither be in a draft nor in the blazing sun. Drafts cause the flowers to evaporate more liquid than they can absorb, while the heat of the sun causes buds and flowers to droop. The kitchen is also a rather unfavorable room, as the heat from cooking and even the pungent smells do not reach the flowers.

Peonies in the vase – care

Peonies also ensure a long shelf lifeCare in the vaseof great importance. You should change the water every day to ensure that the flowers always have fresh water and to prevent it from spoiling. You also need to remove wilting buds and flowers. Even if it's difficult for you, you'll be doing the bouquet a greater favor overall by cutting them off.

How do peonies keep in the vase – more tricks

  • An activated charcoal tablet in the water extends the life of the peonies in the vase.
  • Take the bouquet out of the vase in the evening, wrap it in newspaper and keep it in a cool place until the next morning. Then the ostrich goes back into fresh water.
  • Buds will open faster if you add alcohol to the water or briefly dip the stems in hot water. High humidity also causes faster flowering.
  • You can spread the scent of the flowers throughout the room by using them in the eveningin cling filmWrap it up, but be sure to remove it again in the morning.
  • If you got the flowers from the store and they are no longer so fresh, you can revive them by spraying the flowers generously with cold water. The water should get on each petal. Or generously moisten paper and cover the flowers with it for a while.