How to water your plants on vacation: Tips & tricks for watering plants when you're away for a long time

There are some proven methods and home remedies you can use to water your flowers and plants while on vacation. After a few clever steps, you can keep your plants growing healthy and alive from a distance. So if you are worried about watering during your trip, here are effective plant care solutions. Savetime and moneyby using these handy self-watering methods on your houseplants or garden crops.

This is how plants can be watered while on vacation

The thought of your beloved greenery and flowers wilting or even dying during your vacation can actually cause a lot of stress. This is especially true if you have spent time and effort getting yourselfto take care of your plants. During the scorching heat of mid-summer, an absence of just a week can cause damage.

Additionally, watering garden or houseplants while traveling can be an almost impossible task. However, once you have the know-how, keeping them hydrated while you're away is easy. You don’t necessarily have to rely on a friendly neighbor to stop by and do it for you.

These quick and easy methods and watering systems will help you plan ahead and prevent your plants from suffering while you're away. This is especially true in the summer months when water evaporates quickly from the soil and plants can dry out quickly. However, only use these techniques on crops that require daily watering, such as herbs, vegetables, and some houseplants.

It's best to leave your succulents alone when you're out of town. However, the first thing you need to do, no matter what method you use, is to water all of your plants thoroughly before you leave. Soak pots and containers at the base of the plant until the water rises above the soil. Let this sit and then repeat the process.

Use the water transport method

To do this, you will need a large water container, such as a vase or bucket, and some cotton rope. A cotton clothesline, available at most hardware stores, works great. First, cut a piece long enough to fit between the bottom of your water container and into the soil of your plant.

Then take one end of the rope and push it a few inches below the soil surface, close to the plant. Be careful not to damage the roots. First, place the other end of the rope at the bottom of your water container and fill it with water. Make sure your rope touches the bottom of your container. The cotton rope slowly moves water from the container into the pot, maintaining a constant moisture level in the soil.

Create your own drip irrigation system

You've probably seen those glass watering balls that you can put in a flower pot to water your plant. However, you don't necessarily have to purchase these as you can easily create your own version. Start with a clean and empty plastic bottle. For a small to medium sized container, a water bottle will work well. Poke several drainage holes in the bottle near the top. Before you go on vacation, water your plant as usual. Fill the plastic bottle with water, then quickly invert and submerge it in the first few inches of soil in the pot. Make sure that the bottle is not too close to your plant and that it stays deep enough so that the soil covers the holes. The water will slowly come out of the bottle as the soil dries out. For larger pots you can use an empty wine bottle. Simply fill it up, place your thumb over the opening before turning it over and stick it into the soil.

Water the plants in the sink or bathtub while you're on vacation

Indoor potted plants can be kept hydrated using this method in a basin and bathtub or shower tray and some old towels. Additionally, you can give houseplants in pots with good drainage a bath while you're away. To do this, fill your sink or bathtub with a few inches of water and place a towel inside to protect the surface from scratches. Place your potted plants in the sink and leave them there while you are away. The soil draws water to the roots and keeps the plant hydrated for up to a week. However, also consider the lighting conditions near your sink or tub. If your plants need a lot of sunlight, don't put them in a dark bathroom.

Turn a plastic bag into a greenhouse

This trick seems unconventional, but works well for longer vacations. Obtain a clear plastic bag large enough to cover your plant and its pot. Place stakes in the pot to prevent the bag from sticking to the plants. Some home gardeners believe that the bag should definitely not touch the leaves, but a little contact is fine. Water your plants as usual, being careful not to over-saturate them. Place the plant in the bag and pull the plastic up and around your plant. Blow some air into the bag before sealing it to help it inflate around your plant. It is safer if the bag does not press against the leaves. Leave your plant in an area with indirect light. Direct sunlight will heat the bag and likely kill the plant. Such an improvised mini greenhouse captures water as it evaporates and drips it back into the plant.

Use water-retaining granules

Water-storing granules help to water and moisturize your plants while on vacation. Such products are widely available and are a great way to reduce the frequency of watering your plants. They hold water and release it over time, ensuring the soil stays moist. Follow the instructions on the package of your chosen product. Generally, however, you simply need to mix the granules into the soil. Such products can be effective for both potted plants and in-ground flower beds.

Try self-watering planters

An even more reliable way to keep your potted plants healthy while you're away is with specially designed planters. Even if you're at home but don't have time to water, investing in self-watering planters is worth it. They're perfect if you're looking for easy plant care, as the clever containers allow the plants' roots access to water from a built-in reservoir when needed. These days there are also many different designs to choose from, so you don't have to sacrifice style.

So that you always know whether your plants need water, you can use thePinecone trickmake use of.