Setting plant rings – 20 ideas and tips for garden design

Plant rings can be used as a horticultural element for fastening embankments and slopes or to loosen up the overall look outside.The possible uses are numerous. The shape of the plant stones varies from round to square and different sizes are also offered. They can be covered with greenery, planted as flower pots or simply filled with gravel, making them the perfect garden decoration.

Use of plant rings in the garden, on the terrace or as a retaining wall

The plant rings are used primarily to demarcate garden areas or to secure slopes and do not make them look like a monolithic wall, but rather more natural. Arranged like a staircase and lushly planted, they are a real eye-catcher in any outdoor area. The result is essentially a vertical garden that can prove to be very useful, especially (but not only!) in small gardens.

Properties and possible uses

Various ready-made models in shape and color are available in stores. Natural nuances such as beige, brown, brick red, but also the gray concrete look, which represents a somewhat more modern garden design, are particularly popular. Our tip: If you already have other elements in the garden, such as paving stones, choose plant rings that are as visually similar as possible.

Plant rings are used like building blocks

Regardless of shape and size, you proceed with it like building blocks. The rings can be stacked on top of each other until the desired height is reached. Different rows are formed, which are arranged in a staircase. When choosing a specific shape - semicircular, square, wavy or rounded, the most important role is played by which areas in the garden will be provided with the stones.

Greening with drought-tolerant plants

Plants that love the sun and can tolerate drought are particularly suitable for greening plant rings. Basically, perennial plants that have different flowering times are preferred. This saves you a certain amount of effort in planting the stones every year and you can look forward to blooming splendor throughout the year.

Sun-loving plant species

The plant rings and stones are often placed directly in front of a wall or wall. If the location is in direct sunlight, you should choose rock garden plants. Different flowers, shrubs and ornamental grasses can be combined with one another. Ground cover plants come in different colors and varieties, and many of them can survive in full sun.

Ornamental grasses and small shrubs

Suitable plant species that tolerate a sunny location well:

  • low perennials:Cranesbill, bluebells, columbine, pasque flowers
  • Steinpflanzen: Sedum species, houseleek, blue cushion
  • climbing plants: wild wall wine, clematis, possibly also ivy, wild strawberries or climbing hydrangea
  • Ground cover: Phlox, Blaukissen, Cotoneaster, Zwergmispel, Buxus

As a design border in the garden or between terraces, the plant stones are stacked on top of each other and placed in a row. If slopes need to be fortified and provided additional support, a stair-like arrangement is preferred. In any case, plants can only be planted in a few specific places if desired and not in every ring. The rest can simply be filled with decorative gravel or stones.

Abundantly blooming ground cover

The plant rings are often used to surround terraces for decorative purposes. Then different flowering plants can be mixed colorfully. The hardy tuberous plants such as daffodils, tulips, lilies, phlox and daisies are particularly suitable for this. Here too, it is advisable to combine flowers for each season.

Substrate and plant culture

Depending on the planting, substrate is used to fill the rings. Basically, a third of the container is filled with gravel, which prevents the formation of waterlogging. Alternatively, plants can simply be placed in the cavity in suitable flower pots. This is very practical for plants that need to be moved indoors or another warm place to overwinter. You can easily take them out of the stones and store them away at the end of the season.

Plant rings as a wall replacement

When building the plant ring construction and later greening, it should not be forgotten that the plants placed at the bottom receive more moisture and nutrients, while the ones at the top dry out more quickly. This should be taken into account when watering the rings and also when choosing the model. Alternatively, you can simply choose a straight construction when placing the plant rings, instead of the step-shaped one, as was done in this case. Only the upper rings are then planted.

Ideal for slopes

The plant rings and stones are wonderfully suitable for imaginative constructions that fulfill a decorative but also useful function. The elements are built in the same way as building blocks such as concrete or brick, except that no mortar has to be used. Using the module principle, the planting stones can be inserted into each other so that they fit perfectly. This makes building walls and other structures from the rings possible even for beginners.

Different shapes and sizes

This construction method results in arched shapes with characteristic structures. The rings are often placed in a spiral shape and this creates a herbal snail. Herbs that require a lot of moisture and nutrients, such as parsley, peppermint or chives, are grown in the lower area. Animal plants that prefer mediocre conditions thrive in the middle area. In the upper areas of the herb spiral, plant species that require a lot of sun and relatively dry conditions, such as thyme, lavender or oregano, are planted.

As a retaining wall

For plant rings that cover large areas and form an elongated retaining wall, there are not very many suitable plant species that do not require a lot of care. One possibility, however, is the delicate sand carnation, which brings joy for a long time with its long flowering period. It prefers dry soil conditions and locations that are as sunny as possible in order to thrive. With their help, large areas can be planted after you have placed the planting rings, without having to invest a lot of time in care due to the number of flowers.

For terracing outdoor areas

As already mentioned, the planting stones do not necessarily have to be covered with greenery. Simply use them as a supporting element in the garden and then decorate them with decorative gravel. If you place the plant rings to support a bed, they automatically transform into a beautiful frame, or rather into a beautiful element for demarcation, while the bed itself is used for planting. With this planting you can continue the design of rows of the wall in the bed. So instead of randomly planting plants in the bed, you can first create a row of a certain type of plant, then a row of another, and so on.

Round models as a dividing wall in the garden

The rings can be used as desired and, in principle, like the gabions, as boundaries in the garden and to secure low slopes. In contrast to gabions, there is also the option of greening. The design options are variable and versatile and can be used according to your taste and needs. Even without plants or decorative gravel, the walls made of plant rings can look very beautiful.

Gray models look beautiful with evergreen plants

Different types of plants, such as evergreen ground covers and ferns, which prefer sunny locations, also feel comfortable in the plant rings. The velvet flower, which can be found in almost every garden, would certainly add some color between the building elements. It is important to emphasize that the velvet flower is an annual plant that blooms in summer. Therefore, you should consider in advance whether you would like to replant them every year.

Retaining wall for the hillside garden

Geranium species also like sunny and semi-shady locations and can be placed in the flower pot in the plant ring. It is recommended not to place them at the top of the plant ring construction, but rather slightly lower so that they get some shade during the day. It's best to combine different flower colors with each other for a colorful planting.

Arrange and plant in waves

The planting rings, similar to gabions, are most often used for the flexible construction of retaining walls. You can purchase and arrange the components yourself relatively easily. If you still don't dare to do it, simply hire a bricklayer who will build the retaining wall according to your ideas and also show you which of your ideas are suitable and which are unsuitable.

Terracing the garden

Plant rings can be combined particularly well with paving stones and concrete tiles. This creates terracing of the property and manages the slope. You can also combine the rings with a staircase that is integrated into a slope. You simply place the rings in a row and in steps. The look of a railing is created, which is also planted. The step-like design also means that all the flowers and plants planted come into their own, as none of them cover the others.

Retaining wall on a hillside property

The plant rings are suitable for attaching small and medium-sized embankments and slopes. A horticultural element is characterized by a secure composite groove that can follow its shape variably depending on the terrain. This offers the possibility of greening the retaining wall that has been created. In addition to the plant species already mentioned, low-growing, evergreen plants are also very suitable and will be recognizable as green accents even in winter.

Square models as alternative flower pots

With the help of planting stones, the hillside location of the property is used in a visually attractive way. The construction, which is used and planted correctly, sets a decorative accent in the garden design. However, even for hobby gardeners who don't yet have a lot of experience, this is a long-lasting system that can be achieved with little effort. You decide for yourself whether you prefer to use round or square models for construction. It doesn't always have to be a retaining wall or privacy wall. Even if the wall already exists, a small structure can be built from the stones to decorate the wall with plants.

Square concrete plant rings available in several looks

Different stone colors can also be combined with each other. Which form you use makes absolutely no difference. Use the stones to limit certain seating areas or other areas and create visual room dividers that can also be adapted to nature. Whether you only use a certain type of plant for planting or prefer to combine different ones (e.g. evergreen and flowering ground cover plants). Maybe you would like to design each retaining wall in a different color? Then simply choose the respective types of flowers and create a blue, yellow, pink blooming wall or choose another color.