At the latest when the thermometer rises again in summer, we humans are drawn to the water to cool off. Children especially love swimming and playing in the pool. It's also worth it in GermanyPool in the garden, after all, it can be used for several months. If there is space for it in the garden, there is nothing wrong with it. Having your own swimming pool is no longer an unaffordable luxury, as many manufacturers now offer solutions for little money. It doesn't have to be a large pool; there are also cheaper solutions and even pools that can be dismantled in the fall. In this article we will introduce you to the best ideas and options for your own swimming pool in every price range. You can also read about the approximate costs you will have to expect for maintenance.
Your own pool in the garden – cheapest solutions such as inflatable or foldable pools
You don't necessarily have to have a large hole dug in your garden for the pool. Because there are now really professional pools that can be easily set up for the summer. The volume is sometimes so large that even adults can swim in it. The simplest, small inflatable models are available for children or as a whirlpool for the whole family. Here you will find a large selectionfrom the paddling pool to the pool.
Ready-made, set-up pools with a fixed frame are somewhat more stable. The frame is put together and covered with a plastic tarpaulin. A filter pump and connections for the water hose are already included in the delivery of such a set. The advantage of this variant is that the pool can be easily dismantled in the fall and stored in the basement, for example, during the cold season. Such foldable pools are available in different sizes, the largest models are also suitable for adults to swim in and are certainly much more than a paddling pool.
If you want to use the pool in cooler weather, you can even find heated models. Since the pool is not built into the ground, it must be accessed using a ladder.
Pool in the garden – prefabricated pool made of plastic or stainless steel to be embedded in the ground
If you prefer a permanent solution, purchasing a pool set made of plastic or stainless steel is a good idea. In this case, you don't have to build your swimming pool completely yourself, only the excavation for the pool in the garden is required. The swimming pool comes ready to go and just needs to be inserted into the hole you dug. Hoses, pump and filters are included. Such models made of plastic or stainless steel are available in every size and in different shapes. The selection ranges from large swimming pools with a length of 25 meters or more to small, round or hexagonal whirlpools. This solution is not the cheapest, but the work required is low.
Build the swimming pool yourself
The prefabricated pool is the simplest solution, but not the cheapest. Of course, you can also easily build your own swimming pool. Once the hole is dug, numerous possibilities arise. The easiest and cheapest option is a concrete pool in the garden. To seal it, the concrete is painted with a special paint. In addition, overflow channels, stairs and recessed grips should be integrated, which you can order individually from specialist retailers or make yourself from concrete. You can find comprehensive instructions free of charge on the Internet. A tiled pool is of course a little more luxurious. If you are handy, you can certainly lay the tiles yourself. Of course, there are also specialist companies that specialize in building such swimming pools. But then the project will of course be more expensive.
A most beautiful solution for the garden: the swimming pond
Perhaps the most beautiful and comfortable solution for your own garden is the swimming pond. In principle it is built in the same way as an ornamental pond. Pond liner with a fleece base is laid in a naturally designed excavation pit. The bank zones are planted with the usual pond plants. In relation to its size, the swimming pond is actually the cheapest solution for a pool in the garden. It is also decorative and fits naturally into the garden area. Chlorine and other hygiene products are not necessary or are not used in a swimming pond. The aim is to create a natural biotope in which fish and other animals can of course also live. If the pond is large enough, the water can clean itself. For smaller swimming ponds, however, a filter system is recommended.
How difficult is care and cleaning?
The least expensive option is a large, self-cleaning swimming pond. In summer, however, the water quality should be checked regularly using special test sticks.
All other pools must be equipped with a filter system. The pool water must be treated regularly with suitable hygiene products to avoid the spread of harmful bacteria. In addition, the pool should always be covered when not in use, provided there is no roofing. Otherwise, the water must be regularly cleaned of fallen leaves, insects and other particles.
The pool in the garden is cleaned at least once a year. The water is drained and the entire interior walls are thoroughly cleaned. This should be done according to the manufacturer's instructions; this applies in particular to prefabricated pools and inflatable or foldable models.
Modern Pool Design
Pool for the children
Garden design
Shady garden with pool