Organize the refrigerator correctly – tips to keep food fresh for a long time

Do you come home exhausted and packed after a major purchase and just want to quickly put all your purchases in the fridge? In order for every food to be stored optimally, it must find its optimal location. Because not every compartment in the refrigerator has the same temperatures. If you fill the device systematically, you can not only increase the shelf life of your food, but also find your food faster. Today we will give you some information on how to properly organize a refrigerator as well as tips on storing food.

Stow the refrigerator correctly – general information

Some foods like it warm and moist, others should be kept dry and cold.Some foodsUnder no circumstances should they be stored in the refrigerator as they can lose their taste. Today we will show you how to properly store the food according to the cold zones.

The different levels

The temperature in the refrigerator is not evenly distributed. There are different cold zones that are suitable for storing food in different ways. Most devices work with static cooling. This means that there is an evaporator in the upper area that cools the air. This creates a circulation in which the warm air rises. The temperature difference ranges from 0 to seven degrees Celsius. It is coldest in the bottom compartment and on the back wall, which is why meat and dairy products find their ideal place there. Prepared food or cakes should be stored upstairs.

Upper compartment: The5up to 8 degree zone

In the upper compartment the temperature is between five and eight degrees Celsius. The best items to include are already cooked foods, ready-made salads, cakes, sauces such as mustard and mayonnaise, opened canned goods, soups and jam. This refrigerator level is also the right place for leftover food. It would be too warm here for raw meat and fish as well as dishes containing raw eggs.

MediumSmall:The 4 to 5 degree zone

Dairy products can be stored on the middle shelf. Cheese, cream, fresh milk, yoghurt and quark – they are all in good hands here. When it comes to eggs, you have a choice: either in the refrigerator door or in the middle compartment. However, milk stays fresher longer in the cooler middle of the refrigerator.

Lower compartment:Die2 to 3 degree zone

The temperature in the lower compartment is 2 to 3 degrees. This is the coldest zone and this is where all perishable foods belong. The low temperatures are ideal for storing fish, meat and sausages.

The vegetable compartments: The 8thbis12 Grad Zone

The temperature in the vegetable compartment ranges from eight to twelve degrees Celsius. This environment is ideal for most fruits and vegetables. These include lettuce, herbs, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, carrots, leeks, radishes, asparagus, root vegetables, mushrooms, etc.

Tropical fruits in the top compartmentstore

But make sure to store fruits and vegetables separately. Apples, for example, release the gas ethylene, which can cause other fruits or vegetables to spoil. Others like the avocado, for example, can ripen faster. Exotic fruits such as bananas are sensitive to cold and turn brown quickly in the refrigerator. However, you can safely store large tropical fruits such as pineapples or melons in the top compartment at around 8 degrees Celsius.


Modern refrigerators also have so-called zero-degree compartments where food is stored at 0 degrees Celsius. This means they stay fresh and crunchy for much longer and the vitamins are protected. The food also doesn't dry out. This compartment is called differently for each model. At Liebherr, for example, the zero degree zone is called Biofresh and at Siemens - VitaFresh.

Heightor low humidity?

The zero degree zone can be dry or humid. Most fruits and vegetables, for example, like high humidity. Meat, fish, sausage and cheese belong in the zero degree zone with little humidity. Some manufacturers also offer a special compartment for fish, which is ideally stored at minus 2 to 0 degrees.

Dierefrigerator doorclear correctly

The refrigerator door should also be used optimally. The temperatures here are similar to those in the upper compartment. Door compartments are particularly suitable for storing drinks, freshly squeezed juices, butter, dressings and all kinds of sauces such as ketchup and mustard.


There is often a separate compartment in the refrigerator for eggs. Butter is also well stored in the upper half of the door. Dressings, cans and sauces find their place at the bottom. At the bottom there is a holder for drinks such as beer, water and juices.

Wasdoesn't belong in the fridge?

Some fruits and vegetables do not need to be stored in the refrigerator because they lose their aroma or change their taste.

  • Tomatoes lose flavor
  • Onions are moldy
  • Bananas turn brown quickly
  • Potatoes change their taste
  • Bread becomes dry
  • Honey crystallizes quickly
  • When the humidity is high, garlic starts to germinate and dries out.
  • Coffee powder doesn't belong in the refrigerator either, because coffee easily absorbs moisture and foreign flavors.

You may also be able to store vegetable oils in the middle of the refrigerator door. Nuts in a mason jar will also last for several weeks in the refrigerator.

Practical tips

Always store all food well packaged. It is best to use sealable containers, cling film and plastic containers. In any case, ensure adequate hygiene and pack raw meat in such a way that no meat juice can transfer to other foods.

Traysstay clean

To keep your refrigerator clean for longer, you can line the shelves and compartments with decorative foil or mats. These ensure a hygienic climate and also create a good mood. Choose mats that you can wash occasionally or inexpensive disposable pads.


If you store food in storage boxes, it would be beneficial if they were transparent. This means you can immediately see what is in each box. Alternatively, you can add labels to the boxes.

Washi labelsTape

The easiest way to make labels yourself is with the popular Washi tape. It is very inexpensive and can be easily removed. Additionally, you can also note the expiration date so that you can keep a better overview.

Rectangularcontainersave space

Have you heard that in Japan they want to grow square melons? Why? They fit better in the refrigerators. The cubic shape is easier to accommodate and saves space. This is something to consider when considering which storage box set to buy – round or square?

Fridge Organizer

So that theOrder in the fridgeIf it doesn't get lost quickly after putting it away, you can get various refrigerator organizers. These help you organize the food better and enable a hygienic climate.