Watering succulents: How often should you water the heat-loving plants?

How often should you water your succulents? Find out when to water them so they can thrive in your home and garden.

Succulents are not like most other plants. They are typically recognized by their thick leaves that store water. They are popular for many reasons, primarily because of their ease of care. Although they don't require a lot of water, they still need it to live. A key factor in success is how often you should water succulents. With these simple tips, you can give them enough water to thrive.

How often to water succulents: Water the drought-resistant plants properly

The lifespan of a succulent depends on how much water you give it. It can recover from underwatering, but overwatering almost always results in the death of the plant. A succulent should never sit in water. Therefore, knowing what signs to look for when considering how often and how much to water is especially important to its survival.

Allow the soil to dry out completely

The most important rule to follow when watering succulents is to first soak them and then allow them to dry out completely before watering them again.

Pay attention to the signs the plant gives you. If you notice that the soil is very dry and the leaves look shriveled or dry, it is definitely time to water them.

Also make sure that the succulents are in a container with drainage holes in well-drained soil.

For potted plants, it is recommended that water not get on the leaves as this can cause rot. This isn't a big problem with outdoor succulents because there is more airflow outside and the water can dry out more quickly.

Water succulents in pots properly

Most succulents need a lot of light to thrive indoors. How often you should water them depends on how much light they get and how warm it is in your house.

When it comes to watering succulents indoors, the rule of thumb is to water them every 1-2 weeks during the warmer months.

  • In small pots – every 7 days
  • In medium pots – every 10 days
  • In large pots – every 14 days

In the darker winter months, the succulents in the pot need much less water and therefore watering every 3-4 weeks is completely sufficient.

Use a watering can to water, adding water to the base of the succulent until it is completely saturated.

Allow the water to drain well through the drainage holes and if it collects in the saucer, be sure to shake it out. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.

Do not use a spray bottle for irrigation. Constant spraying and small amounts of water result in a weak root system that is verylong periods of droughtcannot survive.

Moisturize outdoor succulents

The needs of outdoor plants are slightly different.Plants in the gardenneed water more often than indoor plants that are protected from wind and direct sunlight. But the frequency of watering also depends on how and where the succulents are grown. Plants in containers should generally be watered more frequently than succulents planted in the ground.

Caring for plants in containers

If you want to take your potted succulents outdoors in the summer, keep the following tips in mind.

First, let them get used to the new conditions by first moving them to a partially shaded location and then moving them to a sunnier one.

Check the soil weekly and see if it is bone dry or still contains some moisture before watering the plants. Keep in mind that succulents with smaller leaves may want to be watered more frequently because they cannot retain as much water.

Be sure to move the plant to a sheltered location during heavy rains.

Water succulents that are planted in the ground

Succulents can also thrive in the ground and they should usually be watered weekly. Remember that established plants have a more robust root system and can tolerate much more drought than new plants.

Be sure to grow them in well-drained soil and water the plant more frequently during the warmer days of summer. Reduce watering in fall and winter to help the plant survive the low temperatures. Avoid saturated soil during the winter months to protect the succulent from frost damage.

The right substrate is crucial

To ensure your succulents are properly hydrated, using an appropriate substrate is crucial. Conventional soil is therefore not a good choice for this as it stays moist for far too long.

For best results, plant your succulents in loose, rocky, nutrient-rich soil. If you plant them in containers, use a potting mix specifically designed for succulents and cacti.

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