Plants for drought: 10 of the most beautiful drought-resistant flowers for the summer bed

Last summer was one of the hottest since statistics have been kept. Many of my plants were struggling with the drought and I was exhausted from all the watering morning and evening. Since the forecast for this year is even worse, I have decided to only plant drought-resistant plants. Of course, this only applies to the new plantings, because I will still be keeping my healthy perennials and bushes. For this purpose, I have created a list of some of the most beautiful drought-resistant plants that can withstand full sun and heat and, in my opinion, fit perfectly into the summer bed.

Why I chose drought-tolerant plants

There used to be heat waves in summer, but they were rare and only lasted a short time. But if there is no rain for weeks, then it becomes really problematic for the garden. A long hot summer with little rainfall means a lot of gardening. Not to mention how much water is needed. To save myself all the trouble and keep water wastage to a minimum, I now only plant plants that can survive on very little water.

Which plants tolerate drought?

After some plants burned due to the drought, I'm now only looking for heat-tolerant ones. Drought-resistant plants do not need a lot of moisture and thrive even in dry soil. They are self-sufficient, so to speak, and are only watered for the first 1-2 years until they become established. After that you can neglect them and they will still bloom. That sounds really good and it's worth planting a few drought-resistant perennials and shrubs in full sun. Therethe list is really bigI'll just present my favorites here.

Perennials for sun and drought

Gold poppy(Eschscholzia californica), also called California poppy, loves full sun and needs very little water. With its golden yellow to orange flowers, which bloom continuously from June to October, it is a real eye-catcher in the summer bed. The flower looks particularly good in borders, but also fits well in perennial beds. You can sow the drought-resistant flower directly into the bed from May. For longer flowering, reseeding is recommended, but the plant also self-seeds.

The little oneKugelblume(Dotted globularia) is a native beauty that immediately catches the eye with its purple, spherical flowers. Its only disadvantage is that it has a rather short flowering period - around May to June. Nevertheless, it looks beautiful even after flowering because its seed heads are very decorative. The globe flower likes full sun and is a really undemanding perennial.

rock carnations(Petrorhagia saxifraga) bloom from June to August and attract lots of beneficial insects. These native drought plants are also hardy and are the perfect addition to full sun places and stone structures. The magical flowers are particularly delicate and bloom in a delicate pink.

Manstreu or Edeldistel(Eryngium) is ideal for sunny, dry locations in the garden. This plant is very decorative and yet robust. Since their seeds are cold germinators, they must be planted in the fall. I sowed mine in a bowl of sand at the end of October and placed it in the garden protected from rain. Now I'm waiting impatiently for the flowering in summer, which is expected from July. The man litter is also one of the plants that requires almost no watering and therefore no care.

It is also suitable for sunny places in the gardenTall sedum(I sat on the phone). This plant tolerates drought well and is an eye-catcher in the bed all year round. The flowers only open in late summer and remain until autumn, but even without them the foliage of the sedum is very beautiful and decorative. The leaves of the sedum store water well, so that the plant can survive dry periods without any problems.

TheCat paws(Antennaria dioica) is a native beauty that begins to bloom in May. The plant cuts a particularly good figure in the rock garden and its red, white and pink flowers are a real magnet for butterflies and bees. The perennial is drought tolerant and requires little care.

Drought-resistant shrubs

TheSunflower(Helianthemum-Hybriden) is a subshrub that grows well in dry soil. When the sun shines, the numerous, beautiful flowers open, which are white, yellow, orange, pink or red depending on the variety. The flowering period is from May to July and can be extended somewhat by regularly removing dead flowers and wilted leaves. To promote branching, the dwarf shrub must be cut back by approx. 20 cm in August.

TheGambander(Teucrium) is an ornamental shrub with healing properties that is ideal as a ground cover for dry locations. The genus consists of more than 200 species, including annuals and perennials. Of these, it is perennial and hardyEdelgamander(Teucrium chamaedrysum) is native to us and blooms between June and August with pretty purple-pink labial flowers. The drought-resistant subshrub is very insect-friendly and is perfect for bumblebees, bees and othersAttract pollinators to the garden. To avoid self-sowing, all seed heads should be cut off after flowering.

In mid and late summer it isBlauraute(Perovskia atriplicifolia) a real eye-catcher in the garden. The subshrub thrives easily in drought and heat and is well suited to rock gardens. Spring is the best time to plant so that the plant can produce its beautiful blue flowers from August onwards.

The Mediterranean herbs are suitable plants for drought and heat

Mediterranean herbs like thatThymian(Thymus) also like it dry and warm. With its fragrant flowers, the herb decorates the summer bed from June to October. May is a perfect planting time; you should choose a period when the soil is no longer too moist. Other herbs from the Mediterranean region such as sage and rosemary also thrive in a dry location.

These were my 10 suggestions for sunny and dry locations. All plants are heat tolerant and should easily survive the predicted hot summer. Instead of standing in the garden with the water hose in the evening, I can now sit relaxed and enjoy the flowers.