Succulent care – how to water the plants correctly!

Hardly any other plant is as easy to care for as the succulent - it can be propagated quickly, takes up almost no space and can get by with little soil, can easily tolerate longer dry phases and is visually a work of nature's work. This all-round talent can be displayed effectively in a vertical garden as well as in a small pot on the table. It's the perfect choice for beginners with no experience with houseplants or gardeners with a green thumb who simply don't have time for gardening. For many hobby gardeners, the only obstacle to caring for succulents is watering - if you follow a few simple rules, you can easily master the task. We give you useful tips on how to water the succulents correctly!

Succulent care – avoid these three common mistakes

The succulents come from dry regions and are now widespread all over the world - from the highlands of Mexico to the Canary Islands to the desert landscapes of Asia. No wonder they are considered storage artists. As the name itself suggests (succulent comes from the Latin word “sucus” – juice), the plants store water in their leaves, which are filled with a thick sap. With such clever water management, they can easily survive even long dry periods. However, this decisive advantage poses a major challenge for hobby gardeners: they often ask themselves how much water their plants actually need. These three errors often occur:

Mistake No. 1: Plant pots without a drainage hole - since the succulents can get by with little soil, different cans, lanterns, etc.made small plant pots– which also have no hole. But drainage plays a crucial role in care. Even more so - a drainage hole guarantees that no waterlogging occurs.

Mistake #2: Proper drainage is crucial. First, a thin drainage layer made of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the flower pot, then this is covered with special root and water-permeable fleece. It prevents soil from penetrating the expanded clay layer during watering and the drainage from functioning properly. Only then does the substrate or the special soil for succulents come in (two parts loose soil, one part sand).

Mistake #3: Misting succulents with a spray bottle – There is only one case in which you can mist the succulents with a spray bottle – you’ll find out more about that in a moment. Otherwise, “misting” is prohibited – instead, carefully water the soil between the succulents using a watering can with a longer spout.

How much water do the plants actually need?

How much water succulents need and when depends closely on the climate of the regions from which they come. The sun shines there all day long and the dry phases can last a few weeks. But when it finally rains, it rains really hard. In any case, the plants are used to this intense change in weather – and will also expect it in the garden. That's why you need to completely soak the soil. Take extra care to ensure that the floor is completely wet. Then wait several days until the soil dries completely - only then can you water the succulents again. When exactly the earth dries depends primarily on the humidity and the time of year. In summer you have toYour desert gardenWater every 4-5 days, in winter once a week. Don't forget that succulents with thick leaves need less water than succulents with thin leaves.

Unlike other plants, you don't need to stick to a strict watering schedule. Postpone watering for 2-3 days once a month - this stimulates root growth. When it comes to succulent care, the golden rule “less is more” applies – if you can’t judge whether the plants need water, wait another 2 days. Too little water can only cause the roots to dry out slightly, but too much water will cause waterlogging and the plants may die.

The succulents on the terrace, on the balcony orin the sunny gardenAs a rule, they do not need to be watered. To be on the safe side, you can check the soil every 3-4 days. Only give a little liquid fertilizer once a month in summer - its water-soluble nutrients are quickly absorbed by the plants and then washed out of the soil again.

Incidentally, you should only mist the plants during the propagation phase in spring and summer. Insert individual cut leaves into propagating medium and spray with water every 3-4 days until the top layer of soil is wet. Once the leaves sprout roots, you can plant them. Water the young succulents more often - for example every 3 days.

Identify problems in a timely manner

Even experienced gardeners can sometimes underwater or overwater the succulents. But only those who recognize the problem in time can revive the plant. Overwatered plants have blue-brown leaves and the soil is very moist. Check the roots - healthy roots have a white or pink color and a slightly shiny surface. In this case, you can repot the plant. Underwatered succulents have leaves with shriveled tips. In this case, you can carefully increase your water intake little by little.

Our tip – In cases of doubt, it is worth carrying out a root check every three months. This way you can detect diseases such as root rot in good time. Control the humidity in the room - it should not be higher than 30%. Hardy succulents can remain in the garden during the cold season, provided they are well protected from rain and snow. Rot can cause more damage than frost.