10 tips for plant care and home remedies for plant diseases

If your plants at home look unhealthy, wilted or have aphids, it's best to stay calm. The question of pest control remains as relevant as in the years of our grandmothers. So let's go for the tried and tested remedies that you can probably find in your kitchen cupboard, which are both environmentally friendly and simple. Here are our 10 plant care tips!

1. Cleaning products to combat aphids

Aphids love to graze on the young shoots of plants. But they definitely don't like the smell and taste of regular kitchen detergent. What can you do: take a damp cloth with a few drops of dish soap on it and rub the leaves of your houseplants with it. There will be no trace of the aphids left.

2. Matches against small flies in the potting soil

If the potting soil in the pots is already wet, you can't avoid the small flies there. They are harmless, although very annoying, and to get rid of them quickly, you can simply stick a few matches into the ground, heads down, into the potting soil. That definitely helps!

3. Vinegar as a disinfectant

Over time the pots look unattractive, most have stains, fungus, moss or limescale. You can easily remove all of this with vinegar and a brush and clean your pots perfectly.

4. Liquid soap and alcohol against scale insects

The name – scale insects – shows that these insects are stubborn and stubborn. They hide under a protective shield and can hardly be removed. They typically live on the undersides of leaves and are colored to match their surroundings. That's why they're harder to fight. To do this you will need a solution, liquid soap and a little alcohol, dissolved in water. Spray the undersides of the leaves with the mixture.

5. Good environment for mites (Acari)

These little red Acari are a real pest, as every housewife who has flowers at home knows. They are hardly visible to the naked eye, but in the dry and warm air of the room their number increases and they usually spread in fine spider webs on the underside of the leaves. You can get rid of these mites easily and efficiently with three simple things - sprayer, plastic bag and water. Spray the plant generously with a fine nozzle and place a plastic bag over the pot. The plastic bag should be large enough so that you can seal it hermetically. The high humidity will stop the mites from spreading further and kill them for good.

6. Onion potion strengthens immunity
To combat stress on flowers, you need to add onion peels to boiling water for a few minutes and then leave them in the water overnight. In the morning you can spray your plants with this water.

7. Peat against lime stains

If theLeaves of your plants stainsof limestone, that's no reason to panic. They are probably caused by water that is too hard. A bag of peat moss can help soften the water. Leave the bag in a 10 liter bucket of water overnight. The peat neutralizes the limestone and softens the water. This way you can also help your plants.

8. Ideal for irrigation
The water in which you cooked potatoes is particularly suitable for watering the plants because it contains starch, which supports their growth. You can also pour leftover mineral water directly into the pots because the mineral water acts as fertilizer.

9. Coffee grounds for mold making

Do not throw coffee grounds. With its help you can make your potting soil more brittle. The coffee grounds also lower the pH value of the soil. This is an added benefit for plants that prefer acidic soil. And they won't fail to reward you with rich color!

10. Cosmetic procedures on our green favorites
The appearance of our plants is also particularly important, so the leaves often need to be cleaned of dust. If the leaves are covered with dust, gas exchange will be difficult. You can clean the delicate leaves with a soft cloth, the hard and larger ones with a brush, or even wash them.

The tricks described here can bring your plants back to life. “Minerals and proper care ensure an impeccable look in your small flower garden at home! We wish you lots of joy and pleasant hours with your houseplants!