Make a great awning for the garden yourself

If you want a comfortable area to relax inGartenIf you have designed your home but have no sun protection or other roofing, you should change that as soon as possible. The great thing is that you don't have to invest a lot of money to get pleasant shade for the hot summer days. You can create one yourselfAwning for the gardendo it in just a few hours.

Instructions on how to make an awning for your garden yourself

To do this, you should first think about what exactly you want, i.e. whetherAwning for the gardenshould be foldable and unfoldable or immovable and whether you want to attach it to the wall of the house or whether you want it to stand freely. After you have decided, you should consider the area thatthe awning for the gardenshould be covered, measure.

The sun awning for the garden – a good solution for hot days

If you have the material forthe awning for the gardenIf you are looking for something, make sure it is UV-resistant. It's also best to buy a larger piece than you actually need, as this will give you the opportunity to sew a good hem that will prevent the fabric from falling apart. It is best to use a sewing machine and nylon thread for sewing. Then add a hole in each corner of the fabric using hole scissors. If you want a folding awning, measure the lengths between all the holes and drill two more guide holes in the wood where the fabric will fold up. Attach two hooks there. On the side of the shade that faces the house, add rings to the holes. Then hang them on the hooks. So you're halfway therethe awningfor the gardencomplete.

Now spread the awning apart to determine where the pipes or beams that will later support it will be located. Measure the distance from the house wall and supports and add a double rope on each side.

Find the right place

If your seating area is further away from the house, you can also have a stand-alone oneAwning for the gardenbuild.

To do this, you must also first measure the area you want to cover and get a UV-resistant fabric. While you are measuring and estimating, do not forget that in this case you will need to add a loop for the pipe to go into. How big this loop needs to be depends on the thickness of the pipe.

Preparation of the material

Once you've finished measuring and thought everything through, you can start sewing the fabric. It is best to use a sewing machine for this. One side of the loop must be left open so that the tube can be pushed in. Of course it doesn't necessarily have to be a pipe. The material for the framework of theAwning for the gardenyou can choose according to your taste. You can build the structure from wood, PVC or light steel. After you have pushed the pipes or wooden strips into the loops, close the frame with corner connectors. In the lower part of the sunshade add the legs. Their height also depends entirely on your ideas.

A pleasure for the whole family

This brings you to theAwning for the gardencomplete. Now you can sit in the shade without being enclosed by four walls and enjoy your free time. With sun protection, the garden furniture will last longer. Another advantage of a homemade onesun protectionis that you can choose the color and pattern for the fabric that completely corresponds to your ideas.

Don't be surprised, just try it out for yourselfAwning for the gardento build. And we hope you enjoy it!

Freestanding awning

Sun sail

The sail is attached to four wooden posts

A dining area in the garden

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