When and how to prune oleanders after flowering? Use these tips to care for it properly in the fall!

Oleander plants do not require regular pruning to remain healthy, although this will help keep the bush in check and limit its spread. When and how to prune oleanders after flowering? This is a very important question for many hobby gardeners.

Oleander is often found in Mediterranean gardens, where it serves as a privacy hedge, covers steep slopes and lines streets - but it is also very popular in Germany. Large, open clusters of flowers bloom throughout the summer and their numerous shades of white, pink, red and peach are just the beginning. The erect stems are covered with evergreen, narrow, silvery-green leaves that look very beautiful. Discover helpful ones belowTips for the right oneOleander care in autumn and winter!

Oleander (Nerium oleander) are best grown in containers in a covered location such as a greenhouse, patio or conservatory. These plants can be planted indoors in a large pot with soil and compost in a bright, draft-free location, away from central heating.

Pruning is not a problem for oleander, and a well-cared for plant will recover quickly by showing new, vigorous growth. But before you grab the secateurs, you should think about the needs of the plant. If an oleander is not pruned, its branches become bare, with only a few leaves and flower buds at the tips. However, it would be a shame to waste the cut buds if you cut for this purpose. All flower buds that survive the winter open in the summer. Next year, a heavily pruned plant will have few or no buds.

Avoid the mistake:Oleander can survive a hard cut in a protected location. But be warned: it usually takes a few years to heal after a hard cutblooms profusely.

When and how to prune oleanders after flowering?

Note the following: Ingesting even a tiny amount of any component of the oleander plant can be fatal, so it should not be planted in areas frequented by children and dogs. The plant parts can irritate the skin. It is recommended to wear gloves when pruning and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

Due to its limited flowering time, oleander benefits most from being cut back shortly after flowering. Get to work as soon as the flowering season ends but before the first frost. The autumn-flowering species should definitely be cut by mid-September. With the right equipment, cutting oleander plants is a breeze. Oleanders are easily pruned using hand tools such as pruning shears. Make sure all your tools are well maintained and sharpened. Remove dirt and grime from your appliances with a clean rag, then soak them in a solution of bleach and water for 5-10 minutes. In this way, the transmission of pathogens is slowed down.

Oleander pruning methods

It's not difficult to prune an oleander, but you need to set a schedule in advance. First, think about how you want to prune the oleander. When doing this, think about the final shape you want to achieve and the approximate amount of waste you need to remove. Before you begin your annual pruning of oleander plants, you should check for damaged or dead branches. When clearing outmature plantsNo more than 30 percent of the old shoots are cut away. The remaining branches are cut back to the first bud. This stimulates new formation.

The oleander should also be inspected for pests and diseases and any diseased or dead parts should be removed immediately.

Overwintering oleanders – the right temperature

The plants should overwinter in a cool, bright location. Temperatures of just over 5 degrees Celsius are ideal for the common pink and white varieties. A plant can generally tolerate a few degrees of frost if the root ball is dry, but the leaves then usually turn brown and fall off prematurely. The dark red and yellow varieties, which are rather sensitive, need a slightly warmer wintering temperature of around 10 degrees Celsius. In any case, make sure that it does not get warmer than 16 degrees Celsius. Overwintering that is too warm can result in (very) long, slender shoots forming in spring.

Fertilize and water the oleander plant in autumn and winter

In winter you only need to water a little and fertilize absolutely nothing. The last opportunity to apply fertilizer is at the beginning of September. Oleander can survive the winter without additional fertilizer. Although fertilizer can promote growth, the new growth is often damaged by cold. If itabout wateringLess is more: The plant should be watered rarely but thoroughly. The soil should never become too dry as the exotic plant needs a moist environment.

Pruning and overwintering are two parts of oleander care in the fall and winter months. You should start planning the winter quarters for the exotic animal as early as mid-September.

Also read:Cutting the oleander after overwintering for beginners