Using stone, wood, metal or plants for your patio edging will give your garden a textured look. This allows you to create a raised layer of rocks or soil. However, some materials also consist of strong,recycled plastic. This allows you to choose an affordable option to showcase your landscaping for years to come. So control and contain all your hard work with the subtle yet versatile wall edging garden and patio options.
Tips for patio edging stone and other materials
A garden edging can create beautiful curves for the perfectly manicured gravel path or simply define your lawn and garden. Not edging your garden beds is like getting dressed but then not combing your hair. It may not be entirely necessary, but then the whole thing looks a little unfinished. Adding stone or annual and perennial flowers to your patio edging just makes it look better.
Plus, they keep everything in place and increase curb appeal. It's a small investment for big returns. That's why we've rounded up some of the best patio edging ideas here. But first, look for edges that match the style of your outdoor space. For example, a classic garden looks best with traditional materials such as bricks or if you use stone for the patio border.
However, do not forget that such patio borders require a little more effort. Even if the instructions claim that installation is easy, you should allow at least half a day and possibly longer. Make the job easier by getting the tools and supplies you need first. These would be, for example, gardening gloves, garden shovels, spades, rakes and knee pads. The good news is that most types of garden edging should last for years if you install them correctly the first time. So here are some ideas for materials to beautify your landscape.
Use willow wood as a building material
A simple way to fence off your garden is to weave old branches into a fence. Such a natural border is also known as “wattles” and is perfect for English-style gardens. So if you use wood for such a patio border, it is usually easy to install. The wickerwork usually has points at the bottom that you can press into the ground. The main advantages of this option are the rustic, beautiful look in the right setting. The main disadvantage is that this terrace border can be easily damaged and is rather unfavorable for large areas.
Metal terrace border
Many of these models do not require digging. This means you can simply hammer these into the ground. Painted surfaces or galvanized metal last longest, but unfinished metal has an attractive rustic look for country gardens. In this case, as an advantage we can highlight the relative ease of installation, while the disadvantages relate to weight and carrying. For this reason, it is best to work with suitable gloves.
Prefabricated patio border stone or concrete
Concrete paving stones are almost indestructible. However, they are difficult to handle and time-consuming to install. So plan on a full day or more on your knees. The advantage of these materials is their durability and attractive appearance, which allows you to create beautiful contrasts in your garden area. The somewhat time-consuming installation is no reason not to choose this option.
Use plastic borders
As you already know, plastic doesn't look particularly glamorous. This type of wall will not look as elegant as if you used stone to surround your patio. However, this material is relatively easy to install and does not require special maintenance and care. Individual sections that you can pound into the ground are also less cumbersome to handle than long rolls. For the latter, you will probably have to dig to be able to dip the edge for the border. So if you choose this option, you are securing an inexpensive and durable material for your patio border, but one that is not particularly attractive.
Terrace border plants
Whether it's the soft edge on the charming path to a patio or the pool, plants are another natural choice for beautiful borders. After all, a garden without boundaries is like a room without skirting boards. While such patio borders may seem optional, don't underestimate the impact they can have on defining an outdoor space.
The possibilities in this case are as numerous as you can imagine. Some are great for shade, others are perfect for creating a stunningOutdoor fountain. Whether your outdoor space needs a sharp contrast with a romantic seating area or a dose of classic French-inspired flair, you can get inspiration from these garden path examples.
Zinnias as border plants
Zinnias are amazingly versatile and easy to grow. These beautiful and colorful flowers make for a dazzling display in a garden border. Plant a mix of varieties for different heights and colors to increase visual impact.
Wait until spring to plant the seeds directly into warm soil. With numerous varieties suitable for all soil and climate conditions, zinnias as well as begonias are a versatile option for borders. Most require partial sun. Choose plants with dark leaves rather than lighter, green leaves for more heat tolerance.
Coconut fiber or bamboo
If you want a more natural look, a coir edging prevents weeds and is easy to place along the edge of the bed. You can also cover it with straw. Use staples to hold the vegetable mat in place. This option is very easy to install, but it doesn't last very long and usually requires more care.
Bamboo is also a natural choice for any Asian or Zen garden. You can usually buy this as a short fence that you then drive into the ground. The main advantage of bamboo is that it is almost indestructible, similar to patio edging stone, but it does not look good in all garden designs.