Make pussy willows last longer: with or without water and by freezing

Is there anyone who doesn't find the little fluffy kittens incredibly cute? They are a special eye-catcher in the garden, but also quickly find their way inside, where they decorate our tables and other areas in the form of bouquets in spring and at Easter. It's just a part of me too. But of course I want to be able to admire him for a long time. How can you make pussy willows last longer?

Photo: Natalia Greeske/Shutterstock

The ends of the stems of flowers are cut off regularly and the water is changed daily and sugar is added. But do these tricks have any effect on the branches? I discovered that it's even easier here.

Do pussy willows need water in the vase?

Foto: Peter Altmann/ Shutterstock

One of the big questions is: do you need to put pussy willow trees in water? So should you treat them like cut flowers or is the water even counterproductive in this case? Which option is better if you want to make pussy willows last longer?

Both are possible and I'll explain to you straight away what the difference is and what the advantages of both are.

When the kittens are standing in the water

Photo: Natalia Greeske/Shutterstock

In principle, act as you would with cut flowers. Once you have brought your branches into the house, first prepare them properly for the vase:

  • Remove all unnecessary leaves

This is particularly important for the part that will be in water, otherwise they will begin to rot, which will also affect the durability of the willow branches. In the upper areas you are welcome to leave the leaves on the branch if you like the look of it better. But keep in mind that they also draw water from the branch because they want to keep themselves alive.

  • The cuts must be placed correctly

If you didn't pay attention to the correct cut when collecting the willow branches, do so now. This way you can also determine the right length for your vase size. As with cut flowers, the cut should be diagonal. This gives a larger area for the branches to draw water through.

Foto: Bargais/ Shutterstock
  • Optionally use nutrient-rich water

By this I mean very simple liquid fertilizer, which you mix with the vase water according to the instructions. You can easily use a fertilizer that you already have in the house. Alternatively, special granules are also available commercially. You may be familiar with this if you have ever ordered or had cut flowers delivered, as such granules are often included. The additional nutrients delay flowering.

  • Change the water

You already know that from themnormal flowers in the vase. Fresh water is added to the vase every day, which also extends its shelf life (or at least every 2 days).

Cool tip:A great plus point about the water option is that the branches will likely develop roots. So they turn into cuttings that you can then plant in the garden or in a pot. I tried this once two years ago and then gave the beautiful pot with the plant as a gift.

Make pussy willows last longer without water

Foto: Pixel-Shot/ Shutterstock

So water is possible, but not mandatory. If the occasion for which you want to place the kittens is still far away and you want to prevent them from blooming, this variant is particularly suitable.

Without water and warmth, flowering is delayed and you can enjoy the catkins for longer. To do this, cut the catkin branches before the catkins have opened. This in combination with cold storage makes the decoration last longer.

Freeze willow branches

It is even safer to freeze the cut branches. Then you can take them out and display them in a vase just in time for Easter, or whenever you like. Many people choose the freezing method when Easter is celebrated quite late in spring, when the fluffy kittens in their natural environment (or in the vase) are long a thing of the past.

Making pussy willows last longer: the right location of the vase

Photo: Natalia Greeske/Shutterstock

Regardless of whether pussy willows are in water or not, the location of your bouquet is important. You certainly want to decorate the dining table with the beautiful Easter bouquet, but if the sun shines directly on it, that's not a good place - at least not if you want to preserve pussy willows for longer.

The bouquet should be located away from direct sunlight, but preferably brightly. It would be even better if it was a little cool.

We don't heat on sunny days because the sun then warms the house sufficiently. This means that there are no excessively high temperatures in our rooms during the spring season, as can happen with heating. My dining table is right in front of a very large window. However, this is equipped with curtains that let in light but block out the direct sun.

Important: is it allowed to cut pussy willows?

It is a protected plant, so it is forbidden to trim branches at will. But if you have a tree in your garden, you can. You should also be able to find it in the flower shop and, in an emergency, you can also use artificial willow branches, which are incredibly similar to the real ones these days.

But even if you use your own tree for this purpose, we recommend being frugal. Because now in spring, insects are dependent on the nectar that will come soon. Don't take it from them unnecessarily!

This might interest you:Crafts with pussy willows and eggs for spring and Easter