Flowers are a popular gift for all of life's special occasions and even the moments in between. A colorful bouquet of flowers can brighten up any room and leave a wonderful memory in each of us. Whether you received a bouquet for Valentine's Day, an arrangement for your anniversary, or even picked flowers from your garden yourself, you're going to want to enjoy it for as long as possible, right? You can find out how you can make a bouquet last longer in this article.
How can you make a bouquet last longer?
The sad truth is that bouquets don't last long. The good thing is that there are some guidelines and little-known tips you can implement to ensure the longevity of your flowers.
Cut the stems diagonally by 3 to 5 cm
One of the most common mistakes people make after receiving flowers is forgetting to cut the stems. Use pruning shears to cut off 3 to 5 cm, cutting at an angle. Cutting the stems at an angle allows them to absorb water better because they don't lie flat on the bottom of the vase. After the first cut, cut your bouquet again every few days.
Remove any leaves below the waterline
Trimming the leaves below the waterline will not only make your bouquet look better, but it will also prevent bacteria from growing. Some flowers, such as roses, have protective petals, which are the two or three outermost petals of the flower. If you remove these, the flower can fully develop. After the first pruning, you should check your flowers daily for dead or loose leaves and petals to avoid bacterial rot.
To make the bouquet last longer – water it wisely
Not only is it important that you provide your bouquet with water, but that you do so wisely. Your flowers won't last long without water, especially if the stems are cut. Fill a clean vase with room temperature water and add a packet of flower food. Make sure the pack has been mixed properly and that the water is not too diluted or too concentrated. It is also important to clean your vase thoroughly and change the water and flower food every two to three days.
Tipp: Wilted flowers can often be revived by placing the stems up to the flower heads in fairly hot water. After the water has cooled, let the flowers sit in the water for a few hours before arranging them. Roses can often be revived by placing the entire stem, including the head, in warm water for half an hour.
Do not place it in direct sunlight, heat, drafts or near fruit
Your flowers will last longer in a room with cool temperatures. Avoid displaying them in direct sunlight or near devices that generate heat. Also avoid areas such as open windows, heating or ventilation ducts, and ceiling fans, as these can quickly dry out the flowers. You also shouldn't display your bouquet near fruit. That's right, ripening fruit releases tiny amounts of ethylene gas, which can affect the longevity of your fresh arrangement.
How to make a bouquet last longer with home remedies
In addition to general care, there are also various ways to extend the life of flowers using home remedies. Check out the interesting list below:
- apple cider vinegar and sugar: Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of water to a vase before placing your flowers in it. The vinegar has an antibacterial effect, while the sugar serves as additional flower food.
- Coins: Add a copper penny to yoursfresh bouquet of flowers. The copper should act as an acidulant and combat bacterial growth in your arrangement.
- Refrigerator: Place your bouquet in the refrigerator every night before you go to bed (usually 8 hours per night). Flowers thrive in cooler temperatures because these temperatures allow them to age more slowly. This is the best way to make flowers last longer.
- Soda: Pour ¼ cup of soda into a vase with fresh flowers. The sugar in soda will make your flowers last longer and smell even sweeter.
Now that you know a few additional tricks for making a bouquet last longer, consider trying one out for yourself!
Other notes:
- Tulips become a few centimeters larger after cutting and continue to grow towards the nearest light source.
- Daffodils should not be placed in a vase with other flowers. They secrete a substance that kills other flowers if they are in the same vase.
Other methods you can use to make a bouquet last longer include:can be found here!