Christmas is slowly approaching and there is nothing better than decorating the house with a festive houseplant. The poinsettia is not the only option for this. Although it may seem like an odd choice, the Schlumbergera, with its lush blooms, is a welcome sight in winter and is often given as a gift during the Christmas season. How should you care for the Christmas cactus so that it gives us beautiful flowers for years to come?
Caring for the Christmas cactus: This is how it grows healthily and blooms profusely
Blooming in a variety of colors including red, orange, pink, purple and white, this colorful plant will brighten up any room during the holiday season and beyond. However, lack of water and temperature fluctuations can cause the flower buds to fall off. With proper care, you can maximize your specimen's blooms and keep it living for years. Find out what requirements the fabulous plant requires, which is called a cactus but is actually a succulent that comes from the tropics.
What light requirements does the succulent have?
TheChristmas cactus shouldbe placed in a bright place. An east-facing window would be ideal.
It can be exposed to full sunlight during winter flowering, but in spring and summer this can bleach the delicate leaves. Also remember that the buds need at least 13 hours of darkness to bloom and don't forget to turn off the indoor lights at night.
Choose the right soil
The Schlumbergera needs well-drained soil that can retain a little moisture. A mixture of cactus and succulent soil is perfect for this, but all-purpose soil is also a good choice.
If you have a new plant, just leave it in the pot; it shouldn't be repotted for a few years. However, if repotting is necessary, choose a pot that is 2 to 5 cm larger and make sure it has drainage holes.
How often water?
Pourthe Christmas cactusonly when the earth is completely dry. Then water it thoroughly until the water runs through the drainage holes and pour out the excess liquid in the bowl after 10-15 minutes so that the pot does not sit in water.
Watering every 2 to 3 weeks should be enough in winter, while the plant should be watered 2-3 times a week in hot summer.
It is particularly important to check the soil regularly during the flowering period and to water the plant adequately.
Caring for your Christmas cactus: When should you fertilize it?
Monthly fertilization is required during the growing season from late winter to late summer. Since the flowering succulent benefits from magnesium, you canfertilize with Epsom saltby dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of it in 2 liters of water and watering it once a month.
Humidity and temperature
Schlumbergera comes from the rainforests and therefore thrives best in a moist environment. Mist the plant a few times a week or place it on a pebble-filled tray of water to increase the humidity.
It thrives best in cooler temperatures between 15°C and 20°C, so keep it away from radiators and fireplaces.
It makes sense to place the Christmas cactus in a cool but moist place in the home after flowering in January and in the summer it can thrive in the shade in the garden. Just be sure to bring it back indoors before the first frost.
How do you get a Christmas cactus to bloom again?
Christmas cacti will bloom again every year if properly cared for. If your plant isn't blooming, it may be receiving too much light or being exposed to temperatures that are too high.
After flowering, place the plant in a cool room (10°C to 15°C) for 2 months and reduce watering. Then take him to his usual location. In September you should give it a rest period in a cool room and water it less often until the buds form. Then put it back in its usual location in the apartment.
Tip: Autumn fertilization with a low-nitrogen fertilizer can also promote bud formation.
Also read:Propagate Christmas cactus: 2 simple methods through cuttings
Pests and diseases
Christmas cacti are generally easy-care plants, but they are not resistant to pests and diseases.
Diemost common pestsThat could affect your plant include spider mites, aphids, mealybugs and fungus gnats. You can remove these with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol or treat them with a suitable natural method.
The succulent is also susceptible to stem rot, root rot and fungal diseases if overwatered. Wilted, brown leaves, black or reddish spots on the leaves and stems, and soggy soil are signs of root rot. If you suspect this problem, remove the affected areas, transplant the Christmas cactus into clean soil, and allow the roots to dry for a few days before watering.
If the plant's leaves turn red or pink, it means it is getting too much sun or not enough water.
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