Clean white plastic garden furniture: This is how plastic chairs, tables, etc. look like new again!

You can save money and still add a unique feel to your outdoor space by using plastic furniture as decoration. Plastic furniture requires special care: How then can you clean white plastic garden furniture?

Lightweight and inexpensive plastic garden furniture is a popular choice. Plastic furniture that is exposed to the weather quickly becomes dirty with dirt and bird droppings. We'll tell you how you can get your garden furniture clean again!

Cleaning white plastic garden furniture – tips and home remedies

Outdoor plastic furniture is easily damaged by abrasive cleaners and strong chemicals, so care should be taken when cleaning.

Soap and water for dirty plastic furniture

Most plastic furniture has a protective finish that is glossy or matte. Due to its relative fragility, this surface is easily eroded by harsh chemicals, ruining the beauty of your furniture. Water is the best and mildest cleaning agent for plastic furniture. A damp microfiber cloth is all you need to clean surface dirt from your plastic furniture.

If the dirt and particles are particularly stubborn, you can also use mild detergent. To clean, use a bucket of warm, soapy water and a sponge or simply add dish soap to a wet rag and clean your plastic chairs and tables. Afterwards, wipe the surface with a damp cloth and dry it with a clean towel.

Get yellowed plastic garden furniture white again – bleach

Compared to other common furniture materials, plastic is typically more resistant to stains. However, it is possible that it will get stains. Grass and dirt can leave unsightly stains on plastic patio furniture that are difficult to remove. For very difficult stains, you can use bleach. First, fill a bucket with boiling water and add 60 ml of bleach. You can also add two teaspoons of dish soap.

Apply the bleach solution to your furniture using a soft-bristled brush or sponge and scrub gently. Wear rubber gloves to protect yourself from abrasions. The bleach needs time to absorb into the stain and disinfect the furniture, so give yourself a few minutes. Wash off the bleach with a garden hose or a bucket of water and a clean cloth, then allow the furniture to dry naturally.

Freshen up discolored garden furniture with vinegar

White vinegar is great for stain removal because it is all-natural and much gentler than bleach. Although the scent is somewhat pungent, it is safer than other options for people with chemical sensitivities.

Like bleach, this process is most effective on white furniture. You should take a sample as a precaution. Start by adding 60ml of white vinegar to a bucket of boiling water. To clean the surface of your furniture, simply spray it with water and wipe it down. Then clean the furniture with the vinegar solution using a brush or sponge. Allow the furniture to air dry and repeat the process untilthey are clean.

Cleaning plastic furniture with detergent

Detergent can be used to effectively remove dirt and stains from outdoor plastic furniture. Any liquid detergent will work for this DIY solution. Add 1 teaspoon of detergent to the water in a bucket and use it to clean patio and garden chairs. Dip a scrub brush into the cleaning solution or spray the mixture onto the furniture, then use a circular motion to remove stainsand deposits.

For stubborn stains, let the solution sit for a few minutes and then spray with a garden hose to remove the solution and any remaining dirt. Place the furniture outside in the sun and let it dry naturally.

Clean white plastic garden furniture with baking soda

When combined with water, baking soda forms an alkaline solution that can be used as a mild scrubbing agent. This ensures natural, scratch-free dirt removal.

Outdoor furniture can be easily cleaned by hosing down the plastic with a garden hose and then sprinkling baking soda over the entire surface, paying particular attention to any discolored areas. If you rub the baking soda and water into the plastic in a circular motion with a soft sponge, you can loosen the dirt. After a few minutes, rinse the mixture with water from a hose to remove any remaining baking soda residue. Dry the furniture with a soft cloth or place it in the sun to dry.

Making weathered outdoor plastic furniture shiny again

You can restore the original shine and beauty of your plastic furniture by treating it with a plastic varnish or paint. Limescale stains can appear on your tables, chairs and other outdoor plastic furniture. A plastic restorer can fix this problem and restore your plastic furniture to its original color and appearanceReturn shine.

Before applying your favorite freshener, make sure the plastic has been thoroughly cleaned. Then wipe the plastic furniture with a dry microfiber cloth or a soft towel. After the coating has cured, assess whether the piece of furniture needs a second coating.

Also read:Clean garden furniture with baking soda: aluminum, plastic, upholstery, etc.