Plant a garden - which plants for the balcony

You can raise both flowers as well as vegetable and spice plants on the balcony. Summer is already in full swing, but that doesn't prevent you from creating a small garden even if you don't have a large property. Simply use your balcony. If you believe that it is already too late for this year, you can start with it next spring.

There are many plants that can thrive in both the sun and in the shadow. And between the pretty flowers there is almost always a small place on the balcony that is for a spice orVegetable gardencan be used. Today we have a few of the easiest to goPlants for the balconyfor you.

Plants for the balcony - vegetables and spices

For many of thesePlants for the balconythe sunlight is of particular importance. Balcons that offer more sunlight are best suited for pulling tomatoes and peppers, since these plants particularly love the sun. If your balcony is a rather shady place, you can plant garden salad, mohren, spinach, cucumber and cabbage. In addition to this vitamin bombs, you add a few spice plants, because they feel comfortable on the balcony and closed rooms.


There are an infinite number of flowers that you can plant on your balcony. When choosing, always take into account how much light you can offer you. So you can choose flowers such as pelargonies, primroses, the wild geranium (which also thrives in shady places) and others. You can also scare away the annoying mosquitoes in summer by helpfulPlants for the balconyLike lavender or rosemary plants. You can also use these for cooking later.

Lavender and rosemary

If you would like to have butterflies on your balcony, you should definitely have sun hats asPlants for the balconyplant. This flower is also a great herb that helps in the form of tea with colds.

Lilies are also a great choice thanPlants for the balcony. They are easy to maintain and prefer the partial shade and not the direct sunlight. Another pretty balcony flower is the Azalee. She also doesn't need a lot of sunlight.

Most fruit plants need at least 6 to 7 hours of sunlight a day. If your balcony is in the south, you should definitely plant strawberries, a lemon or orange tree or other dwarf trees.The strawberrieswhenPlants for the balconyYou can also raise in hanging flower pots.

So that you get a pretty garden on the balcony, some things should consider:

  • If you do thePlants for the balconyBuy, take into account how much light and moisture you can offer you and whether it is windy on your balcony.
  • Check whether the flower pots and boxes they have correspond to the conditions of the plants. It is best to buy the right pots beforehand and get advice from the seller in the store, which sizes and models are best suited for the respective plants you have chosen.
  • If your balcony is in a windy place, this means that mostPlants for the balconythat you will raise there must be poured every day in summer.
  • Choose soil that corresponds to the conditions of every plant.
  • DieFlower potsShould have small holes below that can run through the superfluous water.

Lemon trees on the terrace

Relax and refresh the plants on the balcony

Basil drives the mosquitoes away

Beautiful group of medicinal herbs