Onion Peels as Fertilizer: How to Feed Your Plants These Natural Nutrients!

Onion peels are known to have various uses. They are made from natural ingredients such as iron, calcium, magnesium and copper. Nevertheless, we still throw away onion peels today. But few know of a unique use for bowls. You can use the raw peel to make a homemade, organic fertilizer for your own harvest. Onion peels offer several benefits for your flower or vegetable plants. Find out how you can use onion peels as fertilizer in the following article.

Onion peels as fertilizer: recipes for DIY fertilizer

The vegetable's peels are packed with vitamins and minerals in unprecedented concentrations. Onion peel fertilizers strengthen plants, protect them from the appearance of insects and prevent a variety of diseases. The bowls contain:

  • Carotene, which is the most effective antioxidant for plants.
  • Phytoncides that protect against diseases and pests.
  • Vitamin B – Seedlings have a very high requirement for vitamin B.

The fertilizers made from onion peels contain these trace components. However, the peel contains much more - substances that help plants grow healthily and bear fruit successfully.

The benefits of onion peels as fertilizer have been confirmed by researchers

The in„International Journal of Scientific Development and Research“from January 2022published research resultssuggest that the chemical components of onion peels, including flavonoids, phenols, tannins and others, are beneficial for plant growth when used as fertilizer. Previous studies have shown that onion peel contains a significantly greater amount of quercetin than edible onions. There is evidence that fertilizer made from onion peels can protect plants from bacterial and pathogenic diseases and promote plant growth.

Which plants benefit from onion peel fertilizer?

Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, strawberries and berry bushes can benefit from top dressing. The flowers in the garden can also be fed with an onion peel fertilizer.

Make your own organic onion peel stock

A decoction of onion peels can be sprayed onto the plants or you can water your plants in the root area with it. A pot of water and 2 cups of onion peels are all you need to make a decoction for the plants. You should mix everything well and bring it to a boil. After letting the brew rest for 3-4 hours, you can continue fertilizing.

Important tip:If the leaves start to turn yellow, spraying with this mixture will help rebalance the nutrients. Spraying should be repeated twice with an interval of at least 10 days after yellowing of the leaves. You can also use this mixture as a spray on zucchini to encourage the development of new flowers. Almost every plant recovers from such treatment and begins to bear further fruit.

Ecological manure made from onion peels

You can also use a manure made from onion peels as a natural fertilizer. To make this manure you need 500 g of onion peels and 2 - 3 l of warm water. Leave the mixture in a container in the dark for about 20 hours. You should definitely make sure that the container is sealed airtight. Since water leaches all the beneficial compounds from the onion peel throughout the day, this product has a higher concentration of micro and macronutrients.

For the care of flowers, there is nothing better than this remedy: thanks to the B vitamins, which help plants strengthen their root system and rebuild their defenses, there are no longer any harmful soil bacteria.

Tomatoes can benefit from onion skin manure at every stage of development, from sowing to harvesting the final product. If sprayed once a week, tomato plants will develop much faster.Tomatoes with yellowed leavescan be saved by thoroughly treating the shrub with manure. You can also feed newly planted seedlings with natural fertilizer - the amount of fertilizer will be increased as the plant matures. Tomatoes need a lot of water after being doused with an onion peel broth or manure.

How else to use onion peels in the garden?

We'll tell you what else you can do with onion peels in the garden.

Plant potatoes in onion skins

To protect potatoes from the harmful wireworm, you should use onion peels. As a rule, they are used as follows: Even before planting the potatoes, the holes are prepared by placing onion peels in them to scare off pests.

A notice:If you want your potato tubers to be more resistant to fungal diseases, you should sprinkle them with onion fertilizer before planting.

Chopped onion peels can also be placed in the planting hole for better results when growing carrots. This leads to reliable pest control and better fertilization of the plants.

Chopped onion peels as fertilizer for cucumbers

Cucumbers benefit greatly from feeding with onion peels as they provide both fertilizer and protection from aphids andother pestsoffer.