Helpful lawn care ideas and tips for velvety grass in the garden

The lawn, like all other plants in the garden, needs constant care to always be in good condition. Please note our helpfulLawn Care Tips!

Lawn care tips that are important all year round

We have to mow the grass regularly during the growing season, from March to the end of October. You should make the top layer of soil as loose as possible so that the green leaves and grass roots do not suffocate. In the heat of summer, you need to water your lawn regularly to actively maintain growth. The entire area must be well ventilated so that water and air penetrate deeper and reach the roots. If you are new to gardening, don't immediately despair because you will have a lot of work. Carrying out all of these activities indicated above is not difficult and if you have the desire and passion to take the right actions, you will definitely avoid many negative consequences and this is how you can really have a velvety grass in yourGartenhave. On oursLawn Care Tipsyou could rely!

Lawn Care Tips – Remove the layer of debris

Lawn Care Tipsin spring – removing the layer of waste that has formed on the lawn is the first thing to do after the end of winter. If you look closely, you will notice that there is a layer of dry grass, roots, dead leaves, and pebbles on your green lawn. This layer of waste is a few centimeters thick and does not allow air, nutrients and water to penetrate deeper to the roots. Thereforeyellows lawn in some places. They are a clear indication of the occurrence of fungal disease on the lawn.

If the surface of the lawn is not too large, you can work manually with a metal broom or rake with metal teeth. You also have the option of the toteMaterialfrom your garden at the end of summer, for example in September. You can do this with a rake. If you have a large lawn, then you can hire the services of specialized companies that use landscaping machines to make everything quicker and easier. If the layer of waste is a few inches thick, it is believed to be a barrier to water, air and nutrients getting to the roots. Therefore it is recommended to remove them. But if it is only one centimeter thick in the grass, it is considered normal.

Lawn Care Tips – Address key problem areas

When the lawn is used to walk through, the soil becomes compacted. In this case, there is not enough space between the soil particles, which allows air to penetrate to the roots. This has a negative impact on growth. The grass becomes thin and loses its vitality. Water can persist on such soils, especially in winter and spring, but this causes the roots to suffocate. Therefore, compacted soils should be aerated.
Permanent damage to the lawn requires a complete replacement. Many destroyed or damaged parts can be restored if you sow new grass on them.
MoreLawn Care Tips– Be careful with the fertilizers! Your lawn needs new nutrients in early spring. Especially during this period, many experienced gardeners successfully use a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a 1:1:1 ratio. The correct dose can be determined by a professional. In all cases, you must be careful when fertilizing. Excessive use of fertilizers can cause spotting. The amount of fertilizer used depends on the soil conditions and the seasons. So you should follow the instructions for use on the packaging. In addition, any fertilizer should be distributed evenly. If you use special equipment you will achieve even distribution.

Tips for lawn care – measures against insects

Harmful insects are a real nuisance! According to ourLawn Care TipsYou should take appropriate measures against it in good time! The grass is attacked by the larvae (caterpillars) of various insects. In early spring they still inhabit the ground. Some damage the roots and cause the appearance of yellow spots. The best thing you can do to combat the pests in your garden is to deal with the caterpillars in a timely manner using a suitable insecticide. Mowing is importantThis is the activity that will take up most of your time if you want to keep your garden in good condition. This activity is fundamental and you should do it regularly if you want a thick green lawn. A lawn that is mowed very rarely or very often will be affected by weeds and diseases. This is precisely the prerequisite for the development of moss, which suffocates the grass.

Tips for lawn care and proper mowing

The first mowing occurs in early spring, in April at different times depending on the region and weather, and the last one is in autumn. May and June are the two months in which the grass is mowed twice a week because the temperature is not so high and yet the rains favor the growth of the grass. In summer the grass grows slowly, so we can mow once every 10-15 days. However, these are general guidelines. The actual number of mowings depends on the speed of grass growth, which in turn depends on weather conditions, or more precisely on the temperature and moisture of the soil. Closely related to this is the irrigation of the entire lawn.
We hope with the ideas described above andLawn Care TipsHelping you keep your lawn truly velvety.

Pay attention to the details in the garden!

Proper lawn care is important

With the well-kept grass, every house looks much nicer You should fertilize and mow the grass regularly

Ideas and tips for all beginner gardeners