Evergreen, small trees around 3 meters for gardens and front yards with little space

If there is a lack of space in the garden or front yard, small plants are required. This is especially true for trees, which are known to grow quite tall and wide. But fortunately there are exceptions, so you don't have to do without one or two trees. And to keep it nice and green even in winter, small evergreen trees are perfect! Which species are particularly suitable and recommended?

Growth heights of two to three meters are optimally compact, don't you agree? And today's copies adhere exactly to this rule.

Tree species up to 5 meters for front yard and garden

If it can be a little higher, you will get a little better shade and also good privacy. These species are suitable as evergreen trees for small gardens:

Evergreen magnolia with beautiful flowers

As if the shiny, evergreen foliage wasn't attractive enough, the beautiful white flowers also appear in April and May. We would like to mention this tree because of its attractive appearance, although it can grow between 3 and 8 meters tall. However, you can also keep the crown compact by shortening very long branches. Hence theMagnolias (Magnolia grandiflora)still suitable for small gardens. It needs a sunny to partially shaded location to thrive.

The slow-growing Korean fir

The maximum height of the Korea fir is between 4 and 5 meters (Korean Abies). It is also very frost hardy, despite its delicate needles, which also have a pretty, bluish shimmer. This type of fir likes it sunny to partially shaded and also has the great property ofto be bee friendly. That's why it can also stand in the middle of a bed.

Also pretty are:

  • Korean fir 'Blue Whistle' (Korean Abies), 4 to 5 meters
  • Tree of Life 'Emerald' (Western thuja), 4 to 6 meters, slender trees for small gardens
  • Narrow columnar yew 'Fastigiata Robusta' (Taxus baccata), 4 to 5 meters
  • Wintergreen privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium), up to 5 meters
  • Sugarloaf spruce 'Conica' (Picea glauca), 3 to 4 meters
  • Dwarf pine 'Radiata' (Pine strobe), between 4 and 6 meters

In our opinion, three meters is neither too big nor too small. Depending on the species, they are ideal as a shady solitary plant and sometimes even as a privacy screen. Evergreen, small trees you could choose include:

Small blue spruce as a solitary plant or in groups

The blue spruce 'Glauca Globosa' remains quite small (Picea pungens) with their 1.5 to 2 meters height. In fact, it grows wider (2 to 3 meters) than it is tall. As small, evergreen trees, blue spruces particularly score points with their attractive needle color, which is bluish-gray. Since the tree is already an eye-catcher, it looks great as a single plant, but can also decorate any corner of the garden in groups. The location should definitely be sunny if you choose these ornamental trees for the front yard or backyard.

Or how about this:

  • Columnar juniper 'Sentinel' (Common juniper), 2 to 3 meters
  • Dwarf silk pine 'Radiata' (Pine strobe), 1.5 to 3 meters

Evergreen, small trees up to 2 meters and hardy

Should it even be extremely small? Then choose from the following varietiessmall gardens and front gardensthat do not exceed the 2 meter limit.

Ball cork fir

When it comes to robustness, the ball cork fir (Abies lasiocarpa) of the 'Green Globe' variety is hard to beat. This specimen is both very frost-hardy and drought-resistant, so it can also be chosen for grave planting or for a garden that is rarely visited and should be easy to care for. As the name suggests, the ball cork fir grows in a spherical shape and is particularly eye-catching thanks to its new growth, which is significantly lighter in color than the older, dark green needles. The 1.5 to 2 meter high fir prefers to be in partial shade or in the sun.

Hardy trees for the garden – Japanese umbrella fir

For example, small trees such as the Japanese umbrella fir (Sciadopitys verticillata). In addition, the specimen is hardy and gets through the winter well. Only late frosts can damage it, so you should provide protection in such cases. The fir only reaches a height of one to 1.2 meters and only after a long time because it is a very slow-growing tree. It tolerates both sun and shade, but the golden mean, i.e. partial shade, would be the ideal case. This specimen is also a great idea if you are looking for modern trees for the garden.

The dwarf balsam fir is a real mini tree

The dwarf balsam fir(Abies balsamea ‘Nana’)is a dwarf conifer that also feels comfortable in the shade and is quite undemanding. It grows to a height of just 80 cm and looks very likeable due to its rather round growth. Because it is so small, it is often planted directly in beds, where many plants growprovides pleasant shadeand occupies the perfect role of dwarf trees. So it doesn't matter as an accent in the perennial bed, rock garden or heather garden: this cute fir attracts everyone's attention.