Of course, there are numerous ways to provide the necessary shade in the garden - awnings, canopies and parasols, for example. But nothing is more beautiful than a natural source of shade and you can get one with a tree. There are species that naturally have a crown that grows wide and these are particularly well suited. We'll introduce you to some umbrella-shaped trees that you can consider - even for small gardens.
Spherical tree species
Umbrella-shaped, spherical… yes, what now? The ball trees have the property of transforming into an umbrella-shaped tree as they get older (if they are notcut sphericallybecome). The practical thing here is that the tree species both grow quickly and remain compact in size, making them ideal, shady trees for small gardens. Simply choose a suitable species (e.g. the globe trumpet tree). Since the trees are very easy to cut, they can easily be trimmed to fit the size of your garden.
Umbrella-shaped trees to provide shade – the copper rock pear
Also the umbrella copper rock pear (Amelanchier lamarckii) acquires an umbrella-shaped crown as it ages, transforming itself into the perfect parasol. Added to this is their interesting native species, which will be a varied eye-catcher in your garden. In autumn, the shade tree enchants with leaves in bright, warm colors, after listening to the birds chirping under a display of white flowers in spring. Even in this flowering phase, when there are no leaves yet, the umbrella tree provides perfect shade.
Which tree is suitable as a parasol – The beautiful silk tree
This specimen is one of the most beautiful and popular trees, not only in small gardens and not only because of its compact size. The tree related to the acacia (Albizia julibrissin) impresses with attractive, pinnate leaves and extremely interesting and fragrant flowers, so you will not only benefit from its wide but flat crown, but also from an aesthetic point of view. In addition, you don't have to wait long for a sufficiently large crown, because this is a fast-growing umbrella tree. So if you are looking for umbrella-shaped trees, you should definitely consider this beauty.
However, keep in mind that the flowers become quite sticky when they fade and are difficult to remove from garden paths and patios. The tree is therefore more suitable for areas that you don't go to often (e.g. lawns).
Native beauties in umbrella-shaped versions – ash, chestnut, linden, hornbeam
All of them grow to around 3 to 4 meters high, although the crown width can be influenced by regular cuts. Such cuts are also necessary to maintain the shape of the umbrella. If you choose this type of umbrella-shaped tree, you can also enjoy bright yellow foliage in autumn, while flowers adorn the crowns in spring (except for the ash tree, perhaps), so you can enjoy their beauty almost all year round.
Japanese ornamental cherry as a shade tree
More precisely, we mean the Japanese carnation cherry (Prunus serrulata Kanzan), which will without question become one of your favorites. It is probably the ornamental cherry with the most flowers and therefore scores particularly well with this. But that's not all. The new shoots also impress with their beautiful copper color, making this tree a great choice all around. At first it grows in a columnar shape and then spreads out to the sides. It tolerates pruning and is easy to care for, making it one of the best trees for the garden and around the terrace.
Umbrella-shaped trees – The bluebell tree
Initially the bluebell tree (Paulownia tomentosa) still has a rather broad, round crown shape, which, however, deforms with age and becomes an umbrella. These shade trees grow extremely quickly (as much as 4 meters per year under ideal conditions) and impress with oversized leaves and attractive ones in late springFlowers in blue-violet. However, this tree with a wide crown and a height of 12 to 15 meters is not necessarily compact and is more suitable for larger properties.
Trees with umbrella-shaped crowns – plant weeping willows
You probably wouldn't have thought of this beautiful tree so quickly, but with its romantic nature due to the hanging branches it is simply perfect for enhancing any type of garden - provided there is enough space, because the weeping willow (Sad white willow) can grow to a full 12 meters tall. The branches can be shortened wonderfully and the crown can be shaped. You can quickly create a dream retreat by creating a seating area in the middle of the canopy (just keep in mind the dripping nature of the tree, which gives it its name). Since it is anative specimenThe willow is very adaptable and easy to care for.
Umbrella-shaped trees or rather shrubs – black elderberry
This shrub, also known as lilac bush (Sambucus Nigra) initially grows quite narrow, but over time it becomes wider and almost turns into a real tree (which is why we still list the shrub as a parasol tree). What's practical is that you can cut the crown into the desired shape at any time and create a longer trunk so that there is room to sit under the crown. This shade provider develops both pretty flowers and berries throughout the year.
Also read here:When to harvest elderberries: Recognizing the right time of ripeness & tips for harvesting, storage and use